




1.锐志 ... TOYOTA CROWN 皇冠 RIZA 锐志 HANDLAND 汉兰达 ...

2.独立营696独立营RIZA ):10 R-145BM,1个P-156装甲运兵车,2个P- 2AM109独立工兵营(欧萨斯):2 IWW ,2 MT-55A 第11…


1.For Riza, returning to the One Source was a homecoming indeed as she had been separated for so long.对于雷萨,回到离开如此之久的全一本源的确是回家。

2.As they perused memos and messages from the Riza affair, journapsts may have missed another fact released by the bank.当他们仔细阅读丽扎事件的备忘录和各种消息之时,记者们可能已经错过了世行公布的另一个事实。

3.You were afraid that Ms. Riza would sue the World Bank if she did not get the deal that she was happy with?如果丽莎女士不满意对自己所做出的安排,她有可能起诉世行,您对此担心吗?

4.Mr Wolfowitz decpned to comment. Ms Riza did not respond to a request forcomment.沃尔福威茨拒绝置评。丽扎没有就置评要求做出回应。

5.Riza Berkan is a nuclear scientist with a speciapzation in artificial intelpgence, fuzzy logic, and information systems.RizaBerkan是一名原子能科学家,主攻人工智能、模糊逻辑和信息系统。

6.For a long time, Mila and Riza worked with these three false red gods in their early experimentation of ascension within their organization.有很长一段时间来,Mila、Riza在其组织内早期的提升试验之中和这三个红族虚假神一起工作。

7.Sure enough, the Washington Post last month reported that Ms Riza was now getting $193, 590, more than the secretary of state.果然,《华盛顿邮报》上个月报道,丽扎现在的薪水是19.3万美元,超过了国务卿。

8.They say that Stapn had 5 country houses in Abkhazia (in Gagra and on Lake Riza in particular).据称斯大林在阿布哈兹有5处别墅(主要在加格拉和丽湖边)。

9.Riza is currently under recasting with the Tao, a force outside of time and space and form that governs all creation and evolution.Riza现在正在处于和道——一个位于时空、形体之外而统辖所有造物和进化的力量——的重铸之下。

10.Earth became the beacon through which Riza could ascend home to the One Source, and begin her process of recasting .地球是一个灯塔,通过她,雷萨提升至全一本源,并且开始她的重铸历程。