


网络释义:行程编码(Run length encoding);行程编码(run length encoded);游程编码


1.行程编码(Run length encoding)行程编码 (RLE) 压缩算法需要非常少的处理器时间,适用于在连续位置重复许多相同字节值的数据。对不具有此重复级别的数 …

2.行程编码(run length encoded)⑵BMP(Windows Bitmap):有1位、4位、8位、24位非压缩图像,8位RLERun length Encoded)的图像。文件内容包括文 …

3.游程编码同问游程编码RLE)压缩方式是? 2006-10-25 15:27 IvanSun0 | 分类:多媒体软件 游程编码(RLE)压缩方式是__________…

4.游程长编码是使用游程长编码RLE)方法进行压缩的图像文件格式文件。支持黑白图像、16色和256色的伪彩色图像、灰度图像以及RGB …


1.Among the many compression algorithm, RLE compression is lossless compression to the original integrity of the data reduction.在众多的压缩算法中,RLE压缩属于无损压缩,能够对原始数据进行完整的还原。

2.Some RLE encoders will actually search through the entire file and find the least used byte in the stream.实际上,一些RLE编码者将搜索整个文件以便在数据流中找到使用次数最少的那个字节。

3.However, to help reduce this horrendous expansion of size, we go to the next variant of RLE coding.为了缩小这种适得其反的变大,我们将谈谈第二种RLE编码方法的变体。

4.Quite pmited branches were involved when analyzing RLE's connectivity, which simppfied the process and improved the entire efficiency.游程连通性比较的分支少,简化了判断过程,提高了操作效率;

5.In this document, I will explain a few simple variants of RLE encoding.在本文中,我将介绍几种RLE编码方法的变体。

6.RLE has many variants, and in fact, I have rarely seen any 2 RLE methods used in programs that are the same.RLE方法有许多变体,实际上,我很少能在程序里看到两种相同的RLE方法。

7.The High Five coach, Rle Nichols, lent us each $100 after we used up our own money.我们的钱用完后,HighFive的教练里尔.尼克斯借给我们每人100元。

8.Many kinds of characteristics of defects of printed matter can be extracted by RLE method.使用RLE方法,能够快速提取印刷品缺陷的多种特征。

9.You will know that you have RLE encoding if you notice that repetitive bytes are being encoded.当你注意到有重复字节被编码时,你遇到了RLE。

10.Rle is 5-6 and I couldn't speak Engpsh then, so we called him "Little Coach" in Chinese.里尔只有5英尺6(1米68),那时我不会英文,就叫他“小教练”。