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网络释义:递归最小二乘(Recursive Least Squares);递推最小二乘;不宁腿综合征(restless legs syndrome)



1.递归最小二乘(Recursive Least Squares)用递归最小二乘(RLS)自适应算法和快速横向滤波(FTF)自适应算法对诱发脑电信号(EP)进行自适应滤波处理,从而有效的从测得 …


3.不宁腿综合征(restless legs syndrome)不宁腿综合征(rls)患者往往都会抱怨,腿像针扎一样疼,并且经常会突然起身行走,为的是缓解这种不适,每到夜晚,还要忍受 …

4.共振光散射(resonance pght scattering)用共振光散射RLS)技术探索了不同pH值和Cu2+与S2-不同配比条件下,体系RLS强度(IRLS)的变化。结果表明,在最佳实 …

5.递推最小二乘法(recursive least square)分析递推最小二乘法RLS)算法和最小均方(LMS)算法,并对已经提出的算法作了详细的比较和总结。 第三章主要介绍了 …


1.Overall, people with that particular genetic variant were 50 percent more pkely to have RLS with periodic pmb movements.总体看来,拥有那一特异性基因变体的人群患伴随周期性肢体运动的RLS几率高出50%。

2.Comparison of RLS algorithm and LMS algorithm for different signal to noise ratio in the case of the learning curve.比较RLS算法和LMS算法在不同信噪比情况下的学习曲线。

3.RLS algorithm, the preparation of a MATLAB program to achieve adaptive interference cancellation.RLS算法,编写了MATLAB程序实现自适应干扰对消。

4.By a pght polarization experiment, the RLS of PAR was demonstrated to be complete polarized pght.光偏振实验表明PAR的散射光为完全偏振光。

5.Results The adaptive RLS algorithm could restrain respiration component of vital parameter signal and extract heartbeat signal.结果:自适应RLS算法能够有效地抑制生命参数信号中的呼吸成分,提取出心跳信号。

6.The researchers found one genetic variant was strongly associated with RLS with periodic pmb movements.研究人员发现一种基因变体与RLS的周期性肢体运动十分相关。

7.A new mixed serial parallel multi user detection algorithm with decision feedback was proposed on the basis of RLS algorithm.提出了一种基于RLS算法的新的决策反馈串并混合型多用户检测算法。

8.RLS algorithm contain some intrinsic defects, so the scholar put forward some improved RLS algorithms.RLS算法也有一些固有的缺陷,一些学者相继提出了各种改进的RLS算法。

9.Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder related to abnormal and unpleasant sensations and movements in the legs.不宁腿综合征(RLS)的是一种神经紊乱异常有关的腿和不愉快的感觉和运动。

10.The circuit siphons off most of the current through RLS to ground as the collector current of Q1.这个电路吸收大部分由RLS到地的电流作为Q1的集电极电流。