


美式发音: [ˈroʊdˌrʌnər] 英式发音: [ˈrəʊdˌrʌnə(r)]






1.走鹃(杜鹃属,见于北美)a N American bird of the cuckoo family, that pves in desert areas and can run very fast

n.1.a small brown and white bird with a long tail that runs very fast and pves in deserts in North America

1.走鹃 白蚁简笔画 termite 走鹃简笔画 roadrunner 螳螂简笔画 praying mantis ...

3.寻路者 刚出壳的小鸡 chick hatching 长尾巴鸟简笔画 roadrunner 云雀简笔画 lark ...

5.超级计算机008年6月份第31届TOP500首次出现千万亿次超级计算机Roadrunner)以来,两年的时间里峰值性能突破千万亿次的系统 …




1.Many months passed before they met again. This time, it was in the middle of the night. The roadrunner was drinking by the side of a lake.几个月过去了,他们又见面了。这次是在午夜。长尾鸟正在湖边喝水。

2.The bird ran back and forth across the yard, exhausting the snake, who eventually curled up in defeat. The roadrunner strutted .走鹃在地上来回地穿梭,追赶响尾蛇,最后,蛇筋疲力尽而被打垮,走鹃却高视阔步,炫耀胜利。

3."The roadrunner had so worn down and cowed him that all he wanted to do was just hide, " he said.而走鹃不但把蛇弄的疲惫不堪,还恐吓他说:我一直都只是在闪躲,还没下手。

4.Coyote for the building of a roadrunner-meat processing plant.Coyote一千万美元建设走鹃肉加工厂。

5.DAVID SAGER told the crowd that he once saw a rattlesnake get in a fight with a roadrunner.大卫.塞奇对人们说,他曾经见过响尾蛇斗走鹃。

6."Now, wait a minute, " answered the roadrunner.“现在,请等一下,”长尾鸟答道。

7.Keeping hold of leading position is the Linux Roadrunner situated at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).继续占据头把交椅的LinuxRoadrunner坐落在洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(LANL)。

8.Many of the US machines, by contrast, are owned by the government and are used to monitor the nuclear weapon stockpile.美国的许多机器则相反,是由政府拥有,只是用于监视核武器储备。美国有一个千兆次的机器Roadrunner,由美国能源部拥有。

9.In 2008, the Roadrunner parallel storage system can sustain hundreds of gigabytes per second.在2008年,Roadrunner并行存储系统能够维持数百GB每秒的速率。

10.Currently the world's fastest computer, Roadrunner, at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, is based on BladeCenter.目前世界上最快的计算机Roadrunnerz在新墨西哥州的洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室,也是基于BladeCenter刀片服务器。