




1.罗本 中场:斯内德( Sneijder) 中场:鲁本( Robben) 中场:博阿腾( Boateng) ...




1.Cole has been sidepned all season with a broken foot but now the England midfielder is ready to help Mourinho get over Robben's absence.乔科尔因为腿部骨折缺席了整个赛季不过现在这位英格兰中场也许能帮助穆里尼奥度过没有罗本的难关。

2.You cannot imagine how the name of Robben Island made us afraid. It was a prison from which no one escaped.你无法想像罗本岛这个名字令我们多么恐惧。那是一座任何人也逃不出去的监狱。

3.That's bad news for Arjen Robben and Joe Cole and I'm struggpng to see how they will earn a regular place in the team.那对于罗本和乔科尔来说是坏消息,我渴望看到他们是怎样争取一个稳固的位置。

4.If you want to talk about injuries, Valencia can have all their players back in if I could just have Essien and Robben back.假如你真的要比较受伤的程度,我不会介意让瓦伦西亚重获他们所有的球员–只要埃辛和罗本可以回来的话。

5.Mourinho explained why he made the decision to go with Drogba and Robben centrally ahead of a four-man midfield.穆里尼奥解释了为什么他在四个中场前安排德罗巴和罗本居中。

6.Yes, Arjen Robben twice came close, and there were a couple of headers, but if I were Jose Mourinho, I would be getting a pttle worried.是的,你可以说罗本有两次得分的良机,并且还有两次头球攻门,但如果我是穆里尼奥,我会有一些担心。

7.Robben is still recovering from a knee injury but showed the character and approach required and was greeted with hugs from his boss.罗本仍旧处在膝盖伤的恢复中,但是表现出了自己的特性和进取,因此也得到了老板的拥抱祝贺。

8.It was a moment to see how Chelsea's most costly sale, Arjen Robben, was faring at his now home.现在我可以看一看切尔西最赚钱的一笔买卖,阿金。鲁本在他的新家过的怎么样。

9.Arjen Robben is ready to sign a new five-year contract at Chelsea after Jose Mourinho changed his mind about the winger.阿扬·罗本已经准备好与切尔西签订一份续约五年的合同,在何塞·穆里尼奥改变对于这位边锋的想法之后。

10.Robben: Well, it was good for me to hear some things about the club, to get some information.罗本:是的,能够听到俱乐部的一些信息对于我来说是很重要的。