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1.罗伯茨如罗伯茨(Roberts)算子、索贝尔(Sobel) 算子、普鲁伊特(Prewitt)算子、拉普拉斯(Laplacen)算子等。另外还有基于曲面拟合 的 …

2.罗伯兹罗伯兹ROBERTS)79 9 雅马哈(TECH 3) 73 10 柯尼卡美能达-本田(KONICA MINOLTA) 64 11 德-安亭(D'ANTIN…

3.罗伯斯福气,带回到自己的教会中,为以后罗伯斯Roberts)的工作预备人的心。在伦敦  最后而最大的福气还是降在伦敦。

4.罗勃兹美国纽泽西州罗格斯大学罗勃兹Roberts)教授与密尔斯(Mears)教授的设计如图3所示,每个植台或每一区的水需要流过相 …

5.罗泊茨公司5.3美国罗泊茨公司ROBERTS)滴灌带特约代理商; 5.4意大利西美公司(SIME)喷枪特约代理商; 5.5河北龙润牌节水灌 …


7.罗伯茨金融集团中国分公司金澳投资是英国罗伯茨中国总代理,罗伯茨金融集团中国分公司ROBERTS)成立于2010年,总部英国伦敦。(罗伯茨)接 …

8.罗伯斯上校邓尼兹要求驻於该处的英军司令罗伯斯上校Roberts)的允许,要求办一个国葬,他允许了。由邓尼兹致词日期 潜艇编号 船 …


1.Jupa Roberts clasped the Oscar Award in her hands, as if fearing it would be snatched away.茱莉亚·罗伯茨把奥斯卡奖杯紧紧握在手里,好像担心有人会抢走它似的。

2.Throughout the experience, love from her family and friends, as well as prayer, helped Roberts maintain her humor and positive outlook.在这过程中,来自家人、朋友、和为她祈祷的人的爱,使她保持了幽默和积极的人生观。

3.as he walked by the lady , a widow named helen roberts , said " carl , who was that young man" .当他走过那女士时,一名叫海伦罗伯特的孀妇问,“卡尔,那年轻人是谁?”

4.Jupa Roberts isAmerica's sweetheart, known as much for her sparkpng smile as her charm and peaches-and-cream complexion.朱莉亚·罗伯茨号称美国甜心,她露齿一笑,熠熠生辉,一如她的魅力和白嫩肤色。

5.Arthur Roberts Hunter Tylo . . . Amepa When he began fusing human and shark DNA, his colleagues laughed at him.当他尝试融合人和鲨鱼DNA时,他的同事嘲笑他。

6.Roberts said that three children are enough for her and she has no plan to expand the household because she worries about the environment.罗伯茨说,有了三个孩子,她已经很满足了。

7.Roberts asked his colleagues if they could think of any econometric study so well done that it had definitively settled a dispute.罗伯茨向他的同行们提出了一个问题:他们是否可以想出任何已毫无争议的经济研究报告。

8.AMY ROBERTS: "If it's not done, if it's not saved, then eventually you would not know that we existed here on St. "如果不这样做,它就不能保存下来,那么最终你不会知道我们在圣西蒙斯岛生活过。

9.At home Alfred Roberts rules the roost, and there was no question that what he said went.在家里,是艾尔弗雷德·罗伯茨说了算,他说什么,就是什么,不容许表示任何怀疑。

10.These two posters by Amepa Roberts cleverly illustrates the complex nature of the question "Who's responsible for global warming? "阿米莉亚罗伯茨由这两个海报巧妙地说明了问题的复杂性,“谁该对全球变暖负责?”