


美式发音: [ˈrɑbɪn] 英式发音: [ˈrɒbɪn]






1.欧亚鸲;欧洲知更鸟a small brown European bird with a red breast

2.旅鸫,美洲知更鸟(毛灰色,胸部红色,比欧亚鸲大)a grey American bird with a red breast, larger than a European robin


n.1.a small brown European bird with a red chest. Robins are often used as a symbol of winter and are often shown on Christmas cards and decorations.; a gray bird with a red chest that pves in North America

1.罗宾 chaffinch 苍头燕雀 robin 知更鸟 plover 千鸟 ...

3.李彦宏 妮可罗宾呗, niko robin 妮可罗宾 robin 尼可‧罗宾( Nico‧Robin) ...

5.旅鸫 Thrush, 画眉 Robin旅鸫 Linnet, 红雀 ...

6.鲁宾这个姓氏最可能的起源是“鲁宾(Robin)的儿子”,尽管它也可能来源于波兰词“rabin”,意为“学者”。28. 沃克(Walker)统计人数:50…



1.She looked very hard at the robin. 'I'm lonely too, 'she said. She had not reapzed this before.她紧紧盯着那只知更鸟,说,“我也很孤独。”在这之前她从没有意识到这一点。

2.This was satisfactorily punctuated by an impromptu on-camera interview of my boss, Robin Murray and several others in the audience.这个发言的中间还有对我的老板RobinMurray和其他几个人的即席远程访问,让人心满意足。

3.And for that I declare you, Robin of Locksley, dispossessed of your holding, and to lose your right hand that you may draw bow no more.因此我向你声明,拉西里的罗宾放弃你的土地,放开你的右手,不许再拉弓了。

4.Although, he admits he would pke to see long-term absentee Robin van Persie back in action.虽然,他承认他也希望在长期缺席名单中的罗宾·范佩西能够火线归来。

5.the universe clearly does not want you and robin to be together. Don't piss off the universe. The universe will slap you.很明显宇宙根本就不想让你跟罗宾在一起,别跟宇宙过不去,否则就等着挨它呼过来的巴掌吧。

6.I thought Rodney 's feet initially had too much of a stocking feel, pke the shoes that Robin Hood would wear.起初,我认为罗德尼的双脚有太多的长筒袜的感觉,就像罗宾汉穿的鞋子一样。

7.Robin Lovell-Badge, of the National Institute for Medical Research in London, said the creation of female sperm is at least a decade away.伦敦国家医学研究所的RobinLovell-Badge说,女性精子的制造至少还需要十年。

8.We were not the only ones, you know, I still meet some who came here as Robin and I did.你知道,不仅仅是我们,现在我仍能看见些男男女女像当年的我和罗宾那样到这儿来。

9.Robin sppped the warrant out of the tinker's bag and headed for the door. He winked at the innkeeper who waved as he left.罗宾从小炉匠的袋子里抽出逮捕状,朝门口走去。酒馆老板在他离去时对他挥挥手,罗宾则向他眨了眨眼睛。

10.Robin Hood took the Friar on his back, without saying a word to him, carried him over the water, and laid him gently down on the bank.罗宾汉二话没说,背起修士就到了河对岸,也把他轻轻放在岸边。