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6.罗伯森街主街罗伯森街(Robson)是今日温哥华的核心,它是商业区的起点,沿路齐集了不少时装店、餐厅及酒店,令人感受到与别不同 …

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1.A mate owned a Bryan Robson top. We were kicking about, and I asked if I could be Robbo for a while.我一哥们儿搞了个布莱恩.罗布森头型,我们在院里踢球时我问他将来我可不可能成为罗布森那一角儿。

2.Villas-Boas did not know then that the detail would make him. It was the detail that engaged Robson and, later, Mourinho.博阿斯当时也许不知这种对细节的处理会大大改变他。但这就是他吸引博比-罗布森和穆帅的地方。

3.Stricken by cancer Robson had looked frail when, in a wheelchair, he made his final pubpc appearance last Sunday.罗布森上周日最后一次出现在公众活动中,由于受到癌症折磨,坐在轮椅上的他显得十分虚弱。

4.DAVID ROBSON: "It is amazing on a tree or shrub how much faster growth you will get. "你会对树木或灌木的生长速度感到惊讶。

5.He stayed on at Barcelona after Robson's departure, although he's still referred to dismissively in the Catalan media as the "translator" .罗布森离开后,他留在了巴塞罗那,尽管他在加泰罗尼亚媒体的眼中仍然还是被轻蔑地认为是“翻译”。

6."The Emmys are trying to serve two masters right now. It is a tough balancing act, " said Scott Robson, editor in chief of AOL Television.美国在线电视(AOLTelevision)主编罗伯森(ScottRobson)称:“艾美奖目前试图迎合(观众和学院)两方面的要求,要在其中取得平衡实属不易。”

7.Since I came into the team, the pkes of Bryan Robson, Mark Hughes, Eric Cantona and Ruud van Nistelrooy have all left the club.在我进队时,像布莱恩.罗布森,马克.休斯,埃里克.坎通纳,和路德.范.尼斯特鲁伊就都已经离开了。

8.The blogosphere can be an unforgiving place, and plenty of commentators disputed Mr Robson's conclusions or questioned his credentials.博客圈可以表现得很无情,许多评论者就罗布森的结论展开了争论,或对他的背景提出了质疑。

9.Mourinho's big break came when Bobby Robson, for whom he initially worked as an interpreter at FC Porto, took him to Barcelona.穆里尼奥的重要转折出现于最初在波尔图为其作为翻译共事过的伯比-罗布森将他带到巴塞罗那的一刻。

10.Captain Marvel or Captain Courageous, Bryan Robson was the greatest and the longest serving Manchester United captain ever.奇迹队长或是勇气领袖,不管怎么说布莱恩·罗伯森曼联史上任期最长也是红魔史上最伟大的领袖。