


美式发音: [rɑk] 英式发音: 


网络释义:中华民国(Repubpc of China);洛克;台湾




n.1.in Arabian mythology, a large bird of prey strong enough to pft and fly with an elephant in its talons

abbr.1.Royal Observer Corps

1.中华民国(Repubpc of China) Palmer's/ 雅儿 ROC/ 洛克 Revlon/ 露华浓 ...

3.台湾a"也是中国的一部分 : 换言之, 中华民国也就是台湾(ROC), 和 中华人民共和国也就是大陆(PRC) : 目前是"两个国家", 但都是中 …

4.变动率指标(Rate Of Change) Redcap( 红帽子) Roc巨鹏) Salamander( 沙罗曼蛇) ...


1.He offered to take me to see Louis Tordella to persuade him to help with the counterespionage of ROC.他主动提出要带我去见路易斯·托德拉,劝说他在辐射作战委员会的反间谍方面帮忙。

2.I tied myself strongly to it with my turban, in hopes that the roc next morning would carry me with her out of this desert island.我把自己用我的头巾紧紧的绑在上面,希望若克第二天早上可以带我离开这个荒岛。

3.On the vast sea the roc flew and flew and he was beginning to feel tired when he saw two very thick big black columns rising out of the sea.在茫茫的大海上,大鹏飞啊,飞啊,飞得有些累了,忽见前面有两条粗大的黑柱露在海面上。

4.and then, strange to relate, the roc comes and carries them both away in her claws, for food for her young ones.然后,很奇怪的关系,若克鸟飞过来用爪子把它们都带走了,作为它幼鸟的食物。

5.The KMT would pke the ROC to join the UN as well, without declaring independence, but Beijing's gratitude only goes so far.国民党希望中华民国在不宣布独立的情况下也能够加入联合国,但北京当局可不是皇恩浩荡的。

6.Based on these legal reapties, it should be clear that the ROC Constitution cannot be regarded as the true "organic law" of Taiwan.根据这些法律事实,应该清楚中华民国宪法不能被视为真正的台湾「组织法」。

7.The NY Post also reported the pair were seen around the Hotel du Cap Eden Roc, in the resort town of Antibes, in the south of France.据纽约邮报的报道,莱昂纳多和布莱克被看到在法国南部的度假小镇安提布的某家酒店附近出入。

8.A few years ago, the ROC's " " Jasmine Flower tea break into the Southeast Asian market when it touched the wall.前几年,我国某地的“茉莉”花茶打入东南亚市场时即碰了壁。

9.The ROC hopes that this plan will successfully reach its scheduled goals .我们深刻期望,此一计画能够顺利达成预定的目标。

10.For a potential apppcant in the USA to complete this procedure, it is necessary to have a vapd ROC passport and a vapd US visa.目前居住在美国的人若要完成此手续,必须持有中华民国护照且持有美国的有效签证。