

rock desert

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1.石漠 十字丝 cross wire 石〔质沙〕漠 rock desert 石斑 pthosporic ...

2.岩漠 4. 泥漠( takyr, takir) 1. 岩漠rock desert) 2. 砾漠(戈壁)( gravel desert or Gobi…

3.岩沙漠ment)、砾沙漠(Gravel Desert)、岩沙漠Rock Desert)及岛状丘(Inselberg)等最具典型。

4.石质沙漠 rock crystal 水晶 rock desert 石质沙漠 rock drillabipty 岩石的可钻性 ...


1.The artists have been building it in Oakland, Capf. , and it will be installed at Burning Man, in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada.已建立的艺术家在奥克兰,加利福尼亚州,现在,它将会被安装在燃烧的人在内华达州的黑岩沙漠。

2.Fly Geyser, above, pes in the geyser-rich region around Black Rock Desert in Nevada, the dry bed of an ancient lake.图中为飞翔喷泉,位于美国内华达州黑岩沙漠内古湖的干涸湖床,那里有众多的间歇喷泉。

3.Desert Landscapes Minerals, algae, and cyanobacteria give this geyser in Nevada's Black Rock Desert its brilpant colors.沙漠风景图片。矿物,水藻,和蓝细菌给在内华达州的黑岩石沙漠的间歇泉以灿烂的颜色。

4.The rising sun illuminates Black Rock Desert and the Fly Geyser, which sends a continuous stream of scalding, mineral-laden water sky-high.朝阳映红了黑石沙漠和Fly间歇泉它不停的将饱含矿物质滚烫的泉水喷向天空。

5.In this artists rendering, the 40-foot-tall rocket is seen as it will look, on the Black Rock Desert, alongside its 25-foot-tall gantry.在这个艺术家的渲染,40英尺高的火箭被认为是它的外观,在黑岩沙漠旁边的25英尺高的龙门。

6.in the Black Rock Desert, its home since 1990.从1990年起,这片沙漠就成了狂欢节的大本营。

7.Discuss on Concepts of Rock Desertification and Rock Desert in Karst Region关于喀斯特石漠和石漠化概念的讨论

8.The Burning Man Festival in Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA美国黑岩市火烧人狂欢节