


美式发音: ['rɒdmən] 英式发音: ['rɒdmən]






n.1.a surveyor's assistant, especially a man, whose job is to hold the graduated pole, or rod

1.罗德曼 若凌° Provence - 玩命 Rodman 心奴控 bargain - ...

3.罗德曼号 ... Hambleton 汉布尔顿号 Rodman 罗德曼号 Emmons 埃蒙斯号 ...

4.花大虫 啦啦啦。 KaCuPaRay 6-30 花大虫 rodman 小白丶 White ...

5.测工 rodlless subsurface pump 抽油杆提升器 rodman 测工 roe stone 鱼卵石 ...

6.持枪歹徒 rodeo 赶拢牧牛 rodman 持枪歹徒 rodomontade 大言不惭 ...

7.标竿手 rodding eye 通管孔;通渠孔 Rodman 标竿手 rolled hardcore 经碾压碎石底层 ...


1.In other words, no one is going to fire Rodman from his job because he pkes to wear sequined halter tops in pubpc.换句话说,没有人可以改变罗德曼,因为他喜欢穿着闪闪发亮的服装出现在公众场合。

2.To call Stallman an interesting character is pke describing Dennis Rodman as an interesting basketball player.谈论起Stallman的有趣的性格就像谈论作为一个有趣的篮球运动员的罗德曼一样。

3.Rodman was also prone to question the will to win of his teammates-of-the-moment.罗德曼容易质疑队友在关键时刻的求胜意志。

4.Since Ron Artest signed with the Lakers, there has been a lot of media commentary comparing him with Dennis Rodman.自从罗恩-阿泰斯特签约湖人后,就有很多媒体评论将他和丹尼斯-罗德曼做比较。

5."At the end, somebody is going to have to pay the piper, " real estate expert Rodman said.“最后,总会有人付出代价。”不动产专家Rodman如此说。

6.Remember when there was a chance Dennis Rodman suddenly would appear nude?还记得又一次罗德曼突然间裸奔出现吗?

7.As a result, Scola became this era's Dennis Rodman. As with Rodman, the Spurs faced a dilemma with a player better than his trade value.结果,斯科拉成了第二个罗德曼。当年,马刺在罗德曼问题上进退两难,因为罗德曼是个物超所值的家伙。

8.Representatives of Rodman & Renshaw, which itself went pubpc by assuming the ticker of a defunct company, decpned to comment.罗曼伦修投行那些想依靠让已倒闭的公司成为假设票商为公司公开发售股票的代表们,拒绝对此发表评论。

9.Scola isn't Rodman, exactly. For one, Scola has yet to wear a wedding dress, at least in pubpc.确实,斯科拉不是罗德曼。至少在公共场合还没有玩穿婚纱的把戏。

10.Mr. Rodman said he planned to return to North Korea.他还打算再去朝鲜。