





1.模范贱兄弟 目标( Ambition) 榜样Role Models) 戴安娜王妃( Lady Diana Spencer,Princess of Wale…

3.模范贱友ar: Escape 2 Africa)联手喜剧《模范贱友》(Role Models)扳回一城,前者首映的如火如荼与后者带来的意外惊喜,都预示 …

4.典范养智慧、训练独立思考、解决问题的能力,并设立学习的典范(role models),养成良好的态度与价值观,以达到全人教育的目 …

5.模范大哥哥 ... 摇滚帮 RocknRolla 为人师表 Role Models 浪漫婚前夜 The Romantics ...


1.One of my favorite role models who comes to mind is Barack Obama, the president of the United States.我最喜欢的一个榜样谁想到的是巴拉克·奥巴马,美国总统。

2.The Diversity in Agile program is trying to identify women who can be role models and tell their stories.敏捷中的多样性活动试图找到能树立模范并讲述她们故事的女性。

3.Particularly in Taiwan, where the rich and the powerful are posing as role models, people have learned that selfishness seems to pay.尤其在台湾这个把富人和掌权人做为榜样的地方,人们已经学会自私自利就像买东西付钱那样天经地义。

4.Consequently, when others discuss how much they rely on their role models, I feel rather out-of-the-loop.结果,当其他人在谈论他们是如何如何依赖行为榜样时,我感觉自己像是个圈外人。

5.At the beginning of this month, it (re-)emerged that there were far fewer male teachers in primary schools to act as role models.本月初(又)涌现出了一个事实,那就是很多学校的男老师几乎起不到什么带头模范作用。

6.All celebrities have the responsibipty to be good role models to children. Unfortunately, most celebrities do not take this job.所有的名人有责任做好榜样儿童。不幸的是,大多数名人不采取这项工作认真社会的利益。

7.The traditional role models are getting mixed up, and it looks pke this is just the beginning of a new chapter.传统的角色模式正在融合,似乎正翻开新的一章。

8."Christina Hendricks is absolutely fabulous. We need more of those role models, " she said.“克里斯提娜·汉卓克斯非常迷人。我们需要更多这样的范例”她表示。

9.It is great having role models and looking up to people that motivate us but let me ask you this.有自己的榜样并且能尊敬那些激励自己的人是很好的,但是让我问你个问题。

10.An Jinlei, a permaculture peasant I mentioned at the end of this article, is one of my most admired role models.安锦磊(音译),我在本文末尾提到的一位从事永续农业的农民,是我最敬仰的楷模之一。