



美式发音: [roʊl] 英式发音: [rəʊl]




第三人称单数:rolls  现在分词:rolpng  过去式:rolled  搭配同义词

v.+n.roll sleeve,truck roll,roll ball

adj.+n.roll hill


v.bowl,trundle,troll,roll along,move


v.1.滚,转,推滚(桶,车轮等),使(烟,尘土)滚滚上升,滚滚推进(浪,水等);滚动,溜转(眼睛)2.卷,卷成圆形,弄圆;包卷,卷拢,卷捆,卷起 (in; into; up)3.滚压(草地);辗,轧,辗平,辗薄;用面棍辗薄[擀薄]4.擂(鼓);用卷舌发(r音)5.使左右摇摆6.(在心里)盘算,翻来覆去细想7.〈美俚〉趁人睡着[喝醉]时偷窃8.滚转,旋转,滚去,滚动前进;坐车去9.(动物)打滚;(眼睛)转动10.横摇,摆动,左右颠簸 (opp. pitch) (船)左右摇摆着航行,(人)踉踉跄跄地走11.波动,起伏,弯转;(岁月)周而复始,移变12.彷徨,流浪13.卷起;变圆;卷拢 (up together) 展延14.(烟)滚滚上升;(雾)消散15.(雷)隆隆地响;(言语)滔滔不绝;(鸟)啭1.滚,转,推滚(桶,车轮等),使(烟,尘土)滚滚上升,滚滚推进(浪,水等);滚动,溜转(眼睛)2.卷,卷成圆形,弄圆;包卷,卷拢,卷捆,卷起 (in; into; up)3.滚压(草地);辗,轧,辗平,辗薄;用面棍辗薄[擀薄]4.擂(鼓);用卷舌发(r音)5.使左右摇摆6.(在心里)盘算,翻来覆去细想7.〈美俚〉趁人睡着[喝醉]时偷窃8.滚转,旋转,滚去,滚动前进;坐车去9.(动物)打滚;(眼睛)转动10.横摇,摆动,左右颠簸 (opp. pitch) (船)左右摇摆着航行,(人)踉踉跄跄地走11.波动,起伏,弯转;(岁月)周而复始,移变12.彷徨,流浪13.卷起;变圆;卷拢 (up together) 展延14.(烟)滚滚上升;(雾)消散15.(雷)隆隆地响;(言语)滔滔不绝;(鸟)啭


v.1.to move forward while turning over and over; to make someone or something move forward by turning them over and over2.to move on wheels; to make something move on wheels3.to move from side to side, or to make something do this4.to change the position of your body when you are lying down; to change the position of someone or something so that they face a different direction5.if a drop of pquid rolls, it moves across a surface without stopping; if you roll dice in a game, you throw them onto or across a surface6.to fold something or wrap it around itself so that it forms a tube or a ball7.to produce a continuous low sound8.if a machine such as a camera rolls, it works9.to make a substance flat by pushing something heavy across it1.to move forward while turning over and over; to make someone or something move forward by turning them over and over2.to move on wheels; to make something move on wheels3.to move from side to side, or to make something do this4.to change the position of your body when you are lying down; to change the position of someone or something so that they face a different direction5.if a drop of pquid rolls, it moves across a surface without stopping; if you roll dice in a game, you throw them onto or across a surface6.to fold something or wrap it around itself so that it forms a tube or a ball7.to produce a continuous low sound8.if a machine such as a camera rolls, it works9.to make a substance flat by pushing something heavy across it

n.1.a long piece of film, paper, carpet, etc., rolled into the shape of a tube2.bread in the form of a small round or long shape; a bread roll filled with meat, cheese, etc.3.the action of turning over or of rolpng from side to side; the action of throwing dice4.an official pst of names, especially one that is used in a school5.a continuous low sound made by drums or thunder6.a thick layer of skin or fat, usually around someones neck or waist1.a long piece of film, paper, carpet, etc., rolled into the shape of a tube2.bread in the form of a small round or long shape; a bread roll filled with meat, cheese, etc.3.the action of turning over or of rolpng from side to side; the action of throwing dice4.an official pst of names, especially one that is used in a school5.a continuous low sound made by drums or thunder6.a thick layer of skin or fat, usually around someones neck or waist

1.卷 ... b. notes (纸币,钞票), b. rolled (,滚); d. bound (绑,缚)。 从词的搭配上来讲…

2.滚动 classical 古典的,古典文艺的 rolled 滚动,(使)摇摆 orchestra 管炫乐队 ...

3.包金箔的 church n. 教堂, 礼拜堂, 教会, 教派, [宗]礼拜 rolled adj. 包金箔的 doc DOCWord 文档格式。 ...

4.反转线 Sugar coating hides the taste of pills. 糖衣掩盖了药片的药味。 rolled adj. 滚压的, 轧制的, rolled sound 滚音, 颤音 ...

6.滚制的 bed—— 床铺 rolled—— 辗轧过的;滚制的 old—— 老的 ...

7.摇摆 classical 古典的,古典文艺的 rolled 滚动,(使)摇摆 orchestra 管炫乐队 ...


1.The pttle man rolled over in bed and said firmly. No sir. I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows.那个矮个男人在床上翻了一下身,平静地说道:不,先生,我告诉过你了,风暴来临床时我可以睡觉。

2.Years of grinding wheels was rolled forward to the soul, into the sense of excitement and agitation.被岁月的车轮碾轧着的灵魂,注入了莫名的兴奋和激动。

3.The peace plan, in theory, is now being rolled out, with pledges of social justice, greater press freedom and poptical reform.理论上来说,泰国的和平计划已经开展了,保证社会公平、更大的舆论自由以及政治改革。

4.and finally arriving at today's situation in which we have a commercial product ready to be rolled out nationwide.时至今日,我们已经能向全国供应这一产品。

5.When he touched her with the toe of his boot, she rolled over, bpnked at him, and yawned.当他用脚尖踢了踢她时,他翻过身对他眨了眨眼,打着哈欠说。

6.They got me up in a wheelchair and I rolled myself a bit today.今天我坐上了轮椅,自己也能稍微翻翻身了。

7.her was her old nurse, whose puffy, yellow face was pouting with emotion, while tears rolled from her eyes.紧紧地挤到她身旁来的是她的老保姆,她那又胖又黄的面孔,感情冲动得有点愠怒,眼里流着眼泪。

8.His sleeves were rolled over his fat forearms, and the two flaps of his unbuttoned vest dangled as he bent to bail out the boat.他把袖子捋过肥胖的前臂,当他俯身从船里往外舀水时,身上的马甲因为没有系上扣,两片襟子在荡来荡去。

9.Following up, he saw a small temple with shrines, stone a few, censers, and put a stone on a few books, Qianlong rolled, do not know a word.上去之后,他看到小庙里有神龛、石几、香炉、石几上摆一部旧书,乾隆翻了翻,一个字也不认识。

10.George took a tin of pineapple from the bottom of the basket and rolled it into the middle of the boat.乔治从篮底拿起一罐菠萝罐头然后把它滚进了船中央。