

roller coaster

美式发音: [ˈrəʊlərˌkəʊstər] 英式发音: [ˈrəʊləˌkəʊstə]



复数:roller coasters  



n.1.an amusement park ride consisting of a narrow rail track on a metal framework shaped into extreme peaks and troughs and sharp bends2.<figurative>a situation that is characterized by sudden, extreme, and often repeated changes

1.过山车 游乐园 carnival 过山车 rollercoaster 旋转木马 merry go round ...

2.云霄飞车 摩托英豪 Moto Racer 弹珠台:云霄飞车 Pinball:Rollercoaster 梭哈 Texas Hold 'Em ...

3.摩天轮大血案 新绿野仙踪 The Wiz 摩天轮大血案 Rollercoaster 魔术师 Sorcerer ...

4.过山车图片 ... 住宅议院图片 Residential Houses 3 过山车图片 Rollercoaster 狗在爱图片 dogs in love ...

5.疯狂过山车 ... 超级拳击 Super K.O. Boxing 2 V2.5 疯狂过山车 Rollercoaster v1.1.37 辉光冰球 Glow Hockey v1.0 ...

6.年云霄飞车 Japan 日本 rollercoaster 环滑车 rocket 火箭 ...


1.Getting off the rollercoaster is one thing; being able to get on the next ride quite another.从过山车上下来是一回事,而能够获得乘坐下一趟则是另一回事。

2.It's been a bit stop-start for me this season but football's all about ups and downs and sometimes you just have to ride the rollercoaster.这个赛季对我来说是一个整装再出发的赛季,但是足球世界里总是有喜有悲,有时候就像坐过山车一样。

3.Mr Obama's erratic performance is partly the result of the rollercoaster world he finds himself in.奥巴马蹩脚的表现部分的源于他发现自己所处环境的残酷。

4.Likening strong fluctuations in global currencies to a rollercoaster ride, Mr Wen said China was not to blame for that volatipty.他将全球货币的剧烈起伏比喻为坐过山车,称不应将这种波动归咎于中国。

5.In pght of such a rollercoaster ride, October's credit market performance seems quite pedestrian.与这种过山车似的急转突变相比,10月份信贷市场的表现显得相当的波澜不惊。

6.The last five months have been a rollercoaster but he's been there for me and has helped get me through it.最近五个月我感觉就像过山车一样,但他始终都在帮助我渡过难关。

7.Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius! As the month begins an energetic rollercoaster is released.欢迎来到充份展现的水瓶时代﹗当这个月开始时,一场能量的云霄飞车便释放了。

8.At the moment I suppose I am "other-contained, " and that in itself contributes too much my rollercoaster of moods.此刻,我认为自己是”他足“,这本身构成了太多的情绪波动。

9.You'll feel as if you're on an emotional rollercoaster today.你觉得自己好像在坐情绪过山车。

10."It was a rollercoaster few months, " he said.“这几个月真是大悲大喜,”他说。