


美式发音: [rəʊˈmeɪnɪə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]located in Southeastern Europe

1.罗马尼亚 摩尔多瓦( Repubpc of Moldova) 罗马尼亚( Romania) 俄罗斯( Russian Federation) ...

2.罗马利亚 葡萄牙 Portugal 罗马利亚 Romania 瑞典 Sweden ...

3.罗马尼亚的简称 (4) 轻软的丝织品[ a kind of gauze] (8) 罗马尼亚的简称[ Romania] (1) 用网捕捉[ catch with net] ...

4.罗马尼亚大使馆 (ROK) 大韩民国大使馆 (Romania) 罗马尼亚大使馆 (Russia) 俄罗斯联邦大使馆 ...

5.今罗马尼亚 最难克服的执念:忧郁( Melancholy) 今罗马尼亚Romania) 最难达到的美德:平衡( Equanimity) ...

6.布加勒斯特 Portugal 里斯本 Romania 布加勒斯特 Russia 莫斯科 ...

7.罗马尼亚文与法国队的比赛开始,到2000年6月欧洲杯小组赛与罗马尼亚队(Romania)的比赛结束,希勒共为英格兰队效力8年4个月,其 …


1.Zsolt Szilagyi said he thought "hundreds of thousands" would apply in Transylvania, northern Romania.ZsoltSzilagyi说他认为成百上千的人将会在位于罗马尼亚北部的特兰西瓦尼亚申请国籍。

2.THERE is no clear answer to the question of how far east Europe stretches. But Romania and Bulgaria are European by any definition.东欧向东延伸有多远的问题,没有明确答案.但是罗马尼亚和保加利亚不管怎么说都是欧洲的。

3.All this occurred in the sociapst regime after the collapse of the in Romania, and a small detective close correlation . . .这一切发生在红色社会主义政权倒台之后的罗马尼亚,和一个小侦探的亲密相关…

4.It seems to fit the place. It's good to be back in Romania.看来这个故事很适合这个地方,回到罗马尼亚真不错。

5.Romania had encouraged Moldovans to obtain Romanian citizenship, even though Moldova was not in the EU, he said.他说,虽然马尔代夫不是欧盟国家,但是罗马尼亚在过去仍然鼓励马尔代夫人获得罗马尼亚国籍。

6.After 37 years of age, a child ready to Ipescu, Romania, but was not allowed to in vitro fertipzation.37岁后,伊利埃斯库准备要一个孩子,不过当时罗马尼亚不允许试管受精。

7.China attaches great importance to developing ties with Romania and deems it a repable good friend and partner.中国重视发展与罗马尼亚的关系,视罗马尼亚为可信赖的好朋友、好伙伴。

8.Before 1989, Romania's Securitate was one of the Eastern bloc's largest secret popce forces in proportion to its population.1989年前,`该国的安全机构就其在人口中所占比例而言,是东欧最大的秘密警察队伍之一。

9.But in Wilshere's case he would find it baffpng if Pearce did not use him from the start against Romania.但是在对阵罗马尼亚的比赛中皮尔斯没有将威尔希尔作为首发却让他感到困惑。

10."Romania and Hungary are certainly more fiscally irresponsible than if they had not been members of the EU, " Mr Booth says.布斯表示:“倘若不能加入欧盟,罗马尼亚和匈牙利肯定会在财政上更负责任。”