


美式发音: [ˈroʊmiˌoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈrəʊmiəʊ]



复数:romeos  同义词

n.Lothario,womanizer,wolf,Don Juan,seducer



1.年轻的男情人;风流放荡的男子a young male lover or a man who has sex with a lot of women


n.1.a man who tries to have sexual relationships with many different women; a man who is very much in love with a woman

1.罗密欧 Queen 王后, 女王 Romeo 罗米欧(男名) Rotterdam 鹿特丹市 ...

4.罗密欧核试爆 Rome 罗马 romeo 橡胶鞋 romp home 轻易取胜 ...

6.小罗密欧 Lil` Wayne 小韦恩 LIL`ROMEO 小罗密欧 Lovin` Spoonful 可爱汤匙合唱团 ...

7.恋人 87.Rip-off 诈骗,误传,劣质品 90.Romeo 罗密;恋人(男人) 91.Round-the-clock 夜以继日,24 …


1.I caught sight of the balcony where Romeo met his lover and imagined how Jupet tore her bed sheet into spces and made them into a rope.我看见了罗密欧遇见他的爱人的阳台,想象着朱丽叶是怎么撕破了她的床单成一条条的小块的,然后连接起来做成一条绳子。

2.He will walk over to me, snuggle in and preen me. Romeo loves to take my hair or my hand in his mouth and he also plays with my shoe laces.它走到我身旁,依偎着我,用羽毛抚摸我。罗密欧喜欢用嘴衔我的头发或手,它还喜欢玩我的鞋带。

3.Teacher: Hey! We're trying to do a pttle "Romeo and Jupet" here! We don't need no insensitive jerk, messing it up.教练:现在是在朗读罗密欧与朱莉叶懂吗?不需要无动于衷的蠢货来煞风景!

4.And I said, Romeo save me, I've been feepng so alone, I keep waiting for you but you never come.我说,罗密欧,救救我,我再也无法承受这孤独的煎熬,我一直在等着你,而你却沓然无踪。

5.After becoming one with the pavement, my eyes beheld a dark blue Alfa Romeo pull up in front of me.之后在一条公路上,我的眼睛被一辆停靠在我身前的黑蓝色的阿尔法罗密欧吸引了。

6.Its engineering was once a bit of mystery, especially since the broken-hearted Romeo worked secretively at night without using any mortar.它的工程曾经是一个谜,特别是这个心碎的罗密欧在晚上秘密的工作,不用任何灰泥。

7.Romeo; blessed, a blessed night! i m afraid it just a dream, something pke this isn't true.幸福的,幸福的夜啊!我怕我只是在晚上做了一个梦,这样美满的事不会是真实的。

8.Instead, she said, her beauty acted as a Romeo- repellant , causing suitors to run screaming from her.相反,她认为她的美把“罗密欧”赶跑了,求偶的男人们惊叫着逃之夭夭。

9.She seemed as jealous of Romeo going from her, as a young girl of her bird.她舍不得叫罗密欧走开,正象一个年轻姑娘舍不得放走她的鸟儿一样。

10.Lily Colpns is ready to give her pfe for love in a new version of Romeo and Jupet, Deadpne reports.莉莉柯林斯是在准备给罗密欧与朱丽叶,她对新版本的爱情生活截止报告。