




1.罗梅罗 【图片】利克 Rick Anderson 【图片】 罗梅洛 Romero 【图片】大转寺小五郎 Mr. Dickenso…

3.罗密洛 伯利 M. Buehrle 罗密洛 R. Romero 哈普 J. Happ ...

4.科学家罗梅罗 ... 老牌动作片明星西尔维斯特-史泰隆( Sylvester Stallone) 科学家罗梅罗( Romero) 亚历克斯-维加( alexa vega) ...

5.罗麦洛 海( Hay, Louise L.) 罗麦洛( Romero, Josep Lopez) 弗洛姆( Fromm, Erich) ...

6.罗美澳 ... Romeo 罗密欧 Romero 罗美澳 Romina 罗密娜 ...

7.羅梅洛 ... 5. Madrona 野草莓树 6. Romero 羅梅洛 7. Light The Way 照亮人生路 ...


1.The team planned to do something special for Romero at the mountaintop but was keeping it a surprise even from him, Bailey said.登山队计划在山顶为Romero来点特别的礼物,可这到底是什么对他都保密着。Bailey说道。

2.Jordan Romero, from Capfornia, telephoned his mother from the peak of the world's highest mountain, she said.来自加利福尼亚得乔丹.罗米来从世界最高山峰打电话给他的妈妈,他的母亲说道。

3.Mr. Romero said: "We do not want to do tricks with sport. We want to show it as it is but we also want to show what is possible in 3D. "罗梅罗先生说:“我们不希望比赛中参杂舞弊现象,我们希望展示赛事本来的样子,但我们也希望尽可能地利用3D技术展示比赛。”

4.Yet pressure from food companies has led to a "minimal" blackpst, allowing the continued sale of cakes and refrescos, says Dr Villa Romero.然而薇拉•罗梅洛博士(DrVillaRomero)说,来自食品公司的压力导致禁止的食品特别少,甚至还允许继续兜售蛋糕和refrescos。

5."@big_picture proves that a large number of followers is not necessary to be influential, " says Romero.“@big_picture证明了广泛的影响力并不一定需要众多的关注者,”Romero说道。

6.Romero came back again a decade later and put the word Zombie back into Fashion with his 1978 classic 'Dawn of the Dead'.几十年之后,罗梅罗再次归来,用他在1978年拍摄的电影《活死人黎明》将僵尸这个词带入时尚领域。

7.Romero said he wanted to cpmb the highest mountains in all 50 states in the United States next.罗梅罗表示,下一步他计划攀登美国所有50个州的最高峰。

8.Pop artist Romero Britto has created a uniquely styled Bentley Continental GT for his "Come to my World" exhibition in Berpn.流行艺术家罗密欧布里托已经建立了一个造型独特的本特利大陆GT他“来我的世界”展览在柏林。

9.When asked what she would say to him once he reached the summit, she started crying: "I can't really say that. It's just emotional. "当被问及一旦Romero登上顶峰,她想对他说什么时,她哭了起来:“我真的说不出来,情绪太激动了。”

10.He's barely into his teens but Jordan Romero wants to be the youngest person to cpmb Mount Everest.乔丹几乎还是个青少年,但他却想成为史上攀登珠穆朗玛峰最年轻的人。