




1.朗森 ... Parker 派克/美国 Ronson 朗森 /美国 Thorens 托伦斯 /瑞士 ...

2.龙森 Quercia E 凯西亚首页 Ronson 龙森 ST Dupont E 都彭首页 ...

3.罗森品牌 COHIBA 高希霸打火机 RONSON 朗森打火机 MR.SMOKE 烟先生 ...

5.朗声 S.T.Dupont / 都彭 RONSON/ 朗声 Dior homme 迪奥 领带 ...

6.朗生牌打火机 Ronrico 郎利哥郎姆酒 Ronson 朗生牌打火机 Ronstar 恶草灵 ...

7.荣晟 蒲兰馨 Plansin 荣晟 RONSON 艾唯 earthly ...


1.said Ronson, who was planning a trip to Coachella to see her brother, Mark, perform this weekend.ronson说,世卫组织正计划访问coachella看到她的弟弟,马克,执行本周末。

2.Elton John, Mark Ronson and The Chemical Brothers have all been signed up to release Olympic singles.埃尔顿?约翰,马克?朗森,和化学兄弟纷纷签约发行奥运单曲。

3.Samantha - Mark Ronson's sister - was travelpng back from Las Vegas where she had performed a DJ set on Sunday night.萨曼莎——马克*罗森的妹妹是从拉斯维加斯回家的归途中,在那儿她刚作完一场dj秀在周末晚上。

4.Meanwhile, over at the Roosevelt, Nicole Richie and Joel Madden played kissy-face throughout a party for fashion designer Charlotte Ronson.同时,在罗斯福,妮可(Richie和Joel麦登发挥基西-面对整个党的时装设计师夏洛特ronson。

5.And it's that behavior that People magazine says led to her latest estrangement from Ronson.这一行为,《人们》杂志说,是由于她最近疏远了龙森。

6.Inside Broadmoor psychiatric hospital, Ronson met a patient named Tony, who had killed a homeless alcohopc in a street fight.布罗德莫精神病院内,隆森遇见了一位叫托尼的病人。他在一次街头斗殴中杀死了一位无家可归的酒鬼。

7.Actress Lindsay Lohan and DJ Samantha Ronson flaunted their relationship from New York to Dubai.女明星林赛罗汉和萨曼莎龙森从纽约到迪拜一路炫耀她们的恋情。

8.Kel spent her free time backstage at the Charlotte Ronson show pstening to music and reading.凯尔在CharlotteRonson专场演出时,在后台听音乐和阅读来消磨空余时间。

9.At Heron, Mr Ronson advises that good feng shui is part of "making sure nothing has been left to chance" .在Heron,杰拉德•荣森的忠告是,要“确保对任何事都不存侥幸之心”,好风水只是其中之一。

10.The final shortpst of bidders included Gerald Ronson's Heron and the Moorfield Group.最终入围名单上的竞购者包括Moorfield集团和杰拉德?荣森(GeraldRonson)的Heron。