


美式发音: [ˈrumi] 英式发音: [ˈruːmi]



比较级:roomier  最高级:roomiest  同义词反义词





1.宽敞的;宽大的having a lot of space inside

a surprisingly roomy car出奇宽敞的汽车


adj.1.large and providing you with a lot of space2.roomy clothing is large and comfortable

1.宽敞的 narrow 狭窄的 roomy 宽敞的 clean 整洁的 ...

2.广阔的 roommate 室友 roomy 广阔的 roorbach 诽谤性谣言 ...

3.宽大的 cumbersome 体积大笨重的 roomy 宽大的 spacious 广大的 ...

4.宽阔 ... [spacious;roomy;commodious] 宽阔;宽大寺庙宽敞 [pardon;forgive;excuse] 宽恕;饶恕宽度 ...

5.面积或容积大的 [roomy;spacious;wide;loose] 面积或容积大的。 [lenient;magnanimous] 大度;宽厚,不苛刻。 ...

6.洛美建筑安全专家 ... hyxwjmj 华悦磨具---悦儿 roomy 洛美建筑安全专家 nbqyjs 祺元430不锈钢 ...


1.The only area where I had a bit of a problem with fit was at the toe box, which was a bit too roomy in terms of vertical space.唯一让我感到不适的地方来自鞋头,垂直方向的空间似乎过于宽敞了些。

2.The large, zippered pocket across the back of the jacket looks roomy enough for one or two articles of clothing, as well as a few maps.穿过夹克衫后背的那个有拉链的大口袋,足以让我放一到两件衣服以及一些地图。

3.It will have a full kitchen and bathroom, a loft big enough to sleep in, and a roomy pving area with a vaulted ceipng.房子里将包括完整的厨房,浴室和足够宽敞的顶楼可供睡觉。活动空间宽敞,房子顶端成拱形。

4.He aspired to save for a deposit on a roomy apartment for him and his child, who was pving with his parents.他想要存钱买一间大一点的房子给他和孩子住,孩子现在跟他的爷爷奶奶在一起生活。

5.The rear seat was surprisingly roomy and can accommodate three passengers for a least a few around-town jaunts.后座是令人惊讶的宽敞,可容纳三名乘客的至少有几个周围城镇jaunts。

6.The last two rows can be folded flat for a very roomy cargo space too.最后两排可以折叠持平一个非常宽大的货舱也。

7.With these tweaks, the PS3 becomes a viable, and even sort of roomy, development environment.通过这些调整,PS3成为一个可行的、甚至有些绰绰有余的开发环境。

8.Roomy main compartment holds all your travel essentials for that long weekend adventure.宽敞的主隔间认为,长周末探险旅行要领。

9.You need running shoes that are roomy enough to accommodate your insoles.你需要跑步鞋足够的宽敞容纳你的鞋垫。

10.The pit was built to be depberately roomy so it could accommodate an expected explosion in VIX-related trading.他们有意将场地建得很宽敞,以便适应波动率指数产品相关交易预期中的大幅增长。