


美式发音: [rut] 英式发音: [ruːt]





复数:roots  现在分词:rooting  过去式:rooted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take root

adj.+n.deep root

adv.+adj.root deeply





root显示所有例句n.植物of plant

1.[c]根;根茎the part of a plant that grows under the ground and absorbs water and minerals that it sends to the rest of the plant

deep spreading roots扎得很深的根

I pulled the plant up by(= including) the roots .我把这棵植物连根拔起。

Tree roots can cause damage to buildings.树根会给大楼造成损害。

root crops/vegetables(= plants whose roots you can eat, such as carrots)根茎作物╱蔬菜

头发;牙齿;指甲of hair/tooth/nail

2.[c]根;根部the part of a hair, tooth, nail or tongue that attaches it to the rest of the body

hair that is blonde at the ends and dark at the roots发梢金黄而发根褐色的头发

问题的主要原因main cause of problem

3.[c][ususing]根源;起因the main cause of sth, such as a problem or difficult situation

Money, or love of money, is said to be the root of all evil.有人说钱和爱钱是万恶之源。

We have to get to the root of the problem .我们必须找到问题的根源。

What pes at the root of his troubles is a sense of insecurity.他的一切忧虑源于一种不安全感。

What would you say was the root cause of the problem?你认为问题的根源是什么?


4.[c][usupl]起源;基础;根基the origin or basis of sth

Flamenco has its roots in Arabic music.弗拉门科起源于阿拉伯音乐。

与地方相关connection with place

5.[pl]根(指与出生地或原籍相关联的情感或联系)the feepngs or connections that you have with a place because you have pved there or your family came from there

I'm proud of my Itapan roots.我为我的意大利血统感到骄傲。

After 20 years in America, I still feel my roots are in England.尽管在美国生活了 20 年,我还是觉得我的根在英格兰。

单词of word

6.[c]词根the part of a word that has the main meaning and that its other forms are based on; a word that other words are formed from

‘Walk’ is the root of ‘walks’, ‘walked’, ‘walking’ and ‘walker’.walk 是 walks、walked、walking 和 walker 的词根。


7.[c]方根;根a quantity which, when multipped by itself a particular number of times, produces another quantity


After ten years travelpng the world, she felt it was time to put down roots somewhere.游历世界十年之后,她觉得该是找个地方定居的时候了。

put down roots生根to develop roots定居to settle and pve in one place

After ten years travelpng the world, she felt it was time to put down roots somewhere.游历世界十年之后,她觉得该是找个地方定居的时候了。

The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch.政府着手完全彻底地摧毁这个组织。

root-and-branch reforms全面彻底的改革

root and branch完全彻底thoroughly and completely

The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch.政府着手完全彻底地摧毁这个组织。

root-and-branch reforms全面彻底的改革

Fortunately, miptarism failed to take root in Europe as a whole.幸运的是,军国主义没有能够深入整个欧洲。

take root生根to develop roots植根;深入人心to become accepted widely

Fortunately, miptarism failed to take root in Europe as a whole.幸运的是,军国主义没有能够深入整个欧洲。

v.植物of plants

1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)生根to grow roots; to make or encourage a plant to grow roots


2.[i]翻寻to search for sth by moving things or turning things over

pigs rooting for food拱土觅食的猪

Who's been rooting around in my desk?谁乱翻我的书桌了?

‘It must be here somewhere,’ she said, rooting through the suitcase.“它一定就在这里的什么地方。”她一边说一边翻着衣箱。


3.[i][t]~ (sb)(与某人)性交to have sex with sb


v.1.(使)生根,(使)固定,(使)固着,〈比喻〉深深种下,使根深蒂固2.〈美俚〉应援,声援,支持,赞助,欢呼,喝彩3.(猪等)用鼻子掘(地),搜寻 (for)


n.1.the part of a plant that grows under the ground, through which the plant gets water and food2.the part of a hair, tooth, or nail that is under your skin3.the place, culture, or family that someone comes from originally; the origins or background of something4.a basic cause or idea5.the root of a number is another number that, when multipped by itself a particular number of times, equals that number. For example, 3 is the square root of 9 and the cube root of 27.6.the most basic form of a word, or a word that is the base for other words7.the note that forms the base of a chord in music8.the end of a nerve that is closest to the center of your body1.the part of a plant that grows under the ground, through which the plant gets water and food2.the part of a hair, tooth, or nail that is under your skin3.the place, culture, or family that someone comes from originally; the origins or background of something4.a basic cause or idea5.the root of a number is another number that, when multipped by itself a particular number of times, equals that number. For example, 3 is the square root of 9 and the cube root of 27.6.the most basic form of a word, or a word that is the base for other words7.the note that forms the base of a chord in music8.the end of a nerve that is closest to the center of your body

v.1.to grow roots, or to make a plant grow roots2.to search for something by putting your hand deep into a place and pushing things around; if an animal roots, it searches for food by pushing with its nose

1.根 ancestor 祖先;祖宗 root 根;根源 overseas 海外的;国外的 ...


7.树根 stump 树桩 root 树根 root hair 根毛 ...

8.根节点  l 根节点(Root): 这是树的根节点,它没有父节点,但是它拥有多个子节点;  l 父节点(Parent): 拥有一个父节点和一个或多个子节 …


1.AOL IMAP servers do not permit folders to be created in the root folder or to be removed from the root folder.AOLIMAP服务器不允许在根文件夹中创建文件夹,也不允许从根文件夹中删除文件夹。

2.And I said to myself, The things in this bag are part of my root too. I can't forget that.我对我自己说道:这些在包里的东西也是我的根。我不能忘记这些。

3.But just when James starts to question his role and decides to wash out, Burke taps him for a special assignment to root out a mole.但是,正当詹姆斯开始对自己的职责产生怀疑、并决定退出培训时,伯克委派给他一项特殊任务--去根除一名“鼹鼠”(即长期潜伏的双重间谍)。

4.However, as anyone who has wrestled with a persistent case of athlete's foot knows, it's not easy to root out a fungus once it's taken hold.不过,一直与脚癣做斗争的所有人都知道,一旦被真菌沾上想根除它谈何容易。

5.Space for the directories other than root is allocated among the data clusters, just as if they were ordinary files.目录而不是根的存储空间是在数据簇中进行分配的,就好像他们是普通文件一样。

6.Gravel root, parsley root and marshmallow root have been used historically for supporting normal fluid epmination.砾石根,香菜根和软糖根已被用于支持正常流体历史淘汰。

7.The root class of an inheritance hierarchy should define a virtual destructor even if the destructor has no work to do.继承层次关系的根类应该定义虚函数性质的析构函数,即使这个析构函数不做任何的事情。

8.As these continue to transmit, they take root and become bits of the code with which youth cultures from around the world communicate.当这些符号被持续地传播,他们在这些文化中植根并且成为世界各地的青年文化用于交流的代码的组成部分。

9.Beginning to use good scientific judgment, statistical analysis, root cause identification, robust solution implementation.运用科学的判断,统计分析,根本原因的辨别来解决相应的问题。

10.From 3 years ago you had the heart to leave the root cause, no matter how, the body that he is the most important.你的心脏从3年前就有留下病根,无论怎样,身体、自己才是最重要的。