




1.罗斯贝Prahalad)、海默(Gary Hamel)、罗斯比(Rossby)和克里斯蒂森(Christensen)等能力学派的学者从企业核心能力人手,把企业竞 …

3.罗斯比波垂直分量保持不变。此项原理首由罗士培(Rossby)应用於大气,并作为大气之「相当正压模式」(Equivalent-barotropicmodel) …

5.罗期培一方面从它本身的结构情形来讨论它的移动,关於这方面罗期培(Rossby)、富斯(Fultz)、郭晓岚诸氏从理论上或实验上曾做过 …

6.气象学家罗士比象学家面对复杂的方程式束手无策时,1939年,瑞典气象学家罗士比(Rossby)发表一篇非常有名的文章,使沉寂好长一段时 …

7.若斯比 ... 罗斯 Ross 若斯比 Rossby 若西 Rossi ...


1.Since the jet stream is flowing eastward, though, the net effect of the Rossby waves varies.虽然急流向东流动,但是罗斯贝波的净效应呈现不同。

2.How might the complex relationship between jet streams and Rossby waves change in a warmer world?喷射流和罗斯贝波波射流在温暖的环境中是何种复杂关系呢?

3.It's all caused by the Rossby waves, don't you know?这些都归因于罗斯贝波,难道你不知道么?

4.Rossby Wave Breaking in the Southern Hemisphere Wintertime Upper Troposphere.冬季南半球对流层上层罗斯贝波爆发。

5.What that means for the interactions between jet streams and Rossby waves that lead to blocking, though, is unclear.但是,对于急流与引起气流受阻的罗斯贝波间的相互作用,这种改变有何意义却不得而知。

6.The Rossby waves set up wiggles in the jet stream, wiggles which, left to themselves, would move westward.罗斯贝波在急流中形成快速振荡,一旦这些振荡独自运行,便会向西移动。

7.In the end , some numerical tests have been done by using Rossby-Haurwitz wave with 4 waves and the results are satisfactory.最后给出了令人满意的用四波的R-H波作数值检验的结果。

8.Perhaps the Rossby waves are blowing the Moon about too.或许罗斯贝波把月亮也吹走了。

9.Energy spectrum proportional to the squared phase speed of Rossby modes in the general circulation of the atmosphere相对于大气环流罗斯贝模式方形速度的能量光谱比例

10.Apppcation of Jacobi elpptic functions in the atmospheric and oceanic dynamics: studies on two-dimensional nonpnear Rossby waves雅可比椭圆函数在大气和海洋动力学中的应用:二维非线性Rossby波研究