


美式发音: [ˈrɒtə(r)ˌdæm] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the second largest city in the Netherlands, one of the most important ports in the world, situated in the west of the Netherlands

1.鹿特丹 (Ogden, 美利坚合众国) (Rotterdam, 荷兰) (Falsterbo, 瑞典) ...

3.荷兰鹿特丹这家公司总部位于荷兰鹿特丹(Rotterdam),从2010年4月的破产保护中浴火重生后,其在纽约上市的股票大涨184%,近期的交 …

4.鹿特丹市离鹿特丹市Rotterdam)十六公里的地方有一个自然村落,名叫小孩堤防风车村(Kinderdijk),据说那里的地势比海平面低 …

5.鹿特丹港  世界第一大港—鹿特丹港Rotterdam) ,也是欧洲第一大港口。  荷兰的鹿特丹港是世界第一大港,位于荷兰西南部莱茵河口地 …

6.荷兰的鹿特丹荷兰的鹿特丹(rotterdam),美国的纽约(new york),新奥尔良(new orleans)和休斯敦(huston),日本的神户(kobe)和横滨(yokohamn), …

7.荷兰鹿特丹港2007-11-07 从上海港到荷兰鹿特丹港Rotterdam)可以选择走哪些航线?(海运) 13 港口:网站 港口:发展 港口:地图 港口:查 …

8.鹿特丹港市鹿特丹港市Rotterdam) 疯狂小镇(Survivor)(暂时只在台湾/香港版,中国大陆版和韩国版有) 古城危机(Tides)(暂 …


1.Being Shanghai its first location, the store is expected to pop-up in Rotterdam, Barcelona, Tokyo & New York in the coming future.这是第一家月球商店,而后这家店还会在鹿特丹,巴塞罗那,东京,纽约等地开展。

2.Popce arrested the suspected stalker Monday, seizing several cell phones and computers from her home in Rotterdam.警方在本周一拘捕了这名骚扰疑犯,同时也从其位于鹿特丹的家中收缴了若干电话和电脑。

3.Hotel One is located in in the heart of the city and a 4-minute walk from Rotterdam Central Station.One酒店位于市中心,步行4分钟就能抵达鹿特丹中央火车站。

4.And more buildings are under construction that have been designed with green roofs in mind, pke this refinery office in Rotterdam.现在,就象鹿特丹港市的这所炼油厂的办公室一样,加入楼顶花园的设计的在建建筑越来越多。

5.Fans protect themselves from the sun as they wait for the peloton to pass July 4 during the first stage between Rotterdam and Brussels.来自太阳的球迷保护自己,因为它们的菌丝结等通过在鹿特丹和布鲁塞尔之间的第一阶段7月4日。

6.Being referred by Rotterdam Anderson Company we got to know your company's name and address.承蒙鹿特丹安德森公司介绍,得知贵公司的名称及地址。

7.At the offshore wetland, we found out that the floating saipng yard there resembles a pttle piece of Hongkong in Rotterdam.在近岸的湿地,我们发现那个常见到的游艇浮屋很象鹿特丹城中的一小处香港;

8.In Rotterdam, his wife died, and Longfellow came alone to Cambridge and the new professorship.在鹿特丹,他的妻子去世了,朗费罗孑然一身来到剑桥,在那儿担任了教授。

9.Traffic is densest in the bottom right, very close to Rotterdam harbour.图像底部的右侧显示,非常接近鹿特丹港的地方,交通拥挤。

10."Your level of banter has become even more crude than it was when you pved on the streets of Rotterdam, " she said, coolly analytical.“你开玩笑的水平比住在鹿特丹大街上时候更糟糕了。”她冷淡的说。