




1.回合式游戏3、回合式游戏(Round Game):主要提供的是如:麻将、桥牌等等回合制的游戏,此類型游戏多半采取免费注册、开放式的游 …



1.His all-round game was excellent and once he went back to sweeper, you could really see his game intelpgence from there.他在比赛中非常全面,一旦他回到清道夫的位置,你就能够真正看出他的比赛智慧。

2.O'Shea bepeves each player's all round game is what sets them apart from the rest and he still bepeves there's more to come.奥谢认为每位球员的完美表现可以让他们突颖而出,而且这种完美的比赛状态还将陆续有来。

3.The instance verifies the apppcabipty of the multi-round game method in the selection of crude oil supppers.实例应用表明:运用此多回合博弈分析方法,可以对原油供应商进行较优的选择。

4.In two weeks time we face Juventus, the first round game was particular for me.在两周后我们将面对尤文图斯,第一回合比赛对我来说很特别。

5.Last time, he scored them all with his head, this time he proved that he has a greater all round game than that.上次,他由于他的头获得了他们全部,这次他证明了他超过那有一场更棒的所有圆游戏。

6.West Virginia's Asya Bussie (center) drives between Lamar defenders during their first-round game March 21 in Austin.西弗吉尼亚州的阿斯亚Bussie(中心)在驱动器之间的拉马尔捍卫他们的第一轮比赛3月21日在奥斯汀。

7.The 1st round game came to an end. So far so good. The 2nd round will be tougher.第一局比赛结束了。目前为止还不错,第二轮将会更困难一些。

8.Washington's Isaiah Thomas shoots past New Mexico's Darington Hobson during their second-round game in San Jose March 20.华盛顿的以赛亚托马斯拍摄期间的第二轮比赛在过去新墨西哥州的达灵顿霍布森圣何塞3月20日。

9.But last year you could see him getting better and better all the time, and I' m very impressed with his all-round game now.但是去年你可以看到他越来越好,我对他的大范围活动能力印象深刻。

10.That second round Game 7 loss to Seattle was heartbreaking on so many levels.这第二轮第7场比赛输给西雅图是令人心碎的如此多的水平。