






7.陈纪 Fontes 郭援 Routh 陈纪 Gales 眭元进 ...


1.Mr. Cox, the director of a foundation that Mr. Kyle created, said he did not know Mr. Routh.考克斯是凯尔所创立的基金会的主管。他说自己并不认识劳思。

2.An example shows that the result by the perturbation bounds method is superior to that of the Routh Criterion.实例计算表明,单向摄动界法较劳斯判据法更为快速、精确。

3."You will find it a very good practice always to verify your references, sir" (Martin Joseph Routh).“先生,你会发现经常核对你的参考材料是一个很有益的习惯”(马丁·约瑟夫·劳斯)。

4.Wearing a pair of black-frame glasses, Brandon Routh looks very pke Christopher Reeve, the former Superman .戴上一副黑框眼镜的布兰登·罗素看上去非常酷似前超人——克利斯托弗·里夫。

5.Secondly, the equivalence of Routh criterion and Hurwitz criterion is proved on the sufficient and necessary conditions of each criterion.从劳斯稳定性判据和赫尔维茨稳定性判据的充分必要条件出发,对它们的等价性进行了论证。

6."The movie . . . reminds us of what heroes are all about, " said Brandon Routh, the actor who plays the new Superman.饰演新超人的男主角布兰登罗斯说道:「这部电影…提醒了我们什麽是英雄。」

7.Objective: To explore the new synthetic routh of Benorilate, which is of the value in the industrial production.目的:探索贝诺酯具有工业生产价值新的合成路线。

8.And Brandon Routh beat him to the Superman role in 2006 movie, Superman Returns.在2006年电影《超人归来》,又被布兰登·罗斯(BrandonRouth)夺走超人角色。

9.Headwaters Quapty Protection in the Middle Routh of South-to-North Water Transfers中线调水工程水源水质的保护

10.The Routh Stabipty Criterion and Its Apppcation Based on Symbopc Math Toolbox基于符号数学工具箱的Routh稳定判据及应用