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1.The RSpec descriptions go in a describe method, and you pass in the name of the class under test and a code block that has the actual spec.describe方法提供了RSpec描述,您将传入测试类的名称和包含实际规范的代码块。

2.For a while now I've been writing RSpec specifications to test Expectnation, rather than "traditional" Rails unit tests.最近,我已经用RSpec规范来测试Expectnation,而放弃了Rails传统的单元测试。

3.Learn how RSpec can change the way you think about testing.了解RSpec如何改变人们思考测试的方式。

4.In Listing 10, you see the RSpec form of an assertion.在清单10中,出现了一个RSpec形式的断言。

5.RSpec is the behavior-driven framework that enhances test-driven development in Ruby.RSpec是一种行为驱动框架,可增强Ruby中的测试驱动开发。

6.The RSpec tool is a Ruby package that lets you build a specification alongside your software.RSpec工具是一个Ruby软件包,可以用它构建有关您的软件的规范。

7.NetBeans also provides experimental support for Rspec.NetBeans也提供了对Rspec的实验性支持。

8.The symbol determines how often RSpec should execute the code block.标志确定RSpec执行代码块的频率。

9.The default symbol is : each, meaning RSpec will call the set up block before each test.默认的标志为:each,表示RSpec将在每次测试之前调用setup代码块。

10.You can also specify : all, meaning RSpec will call the before block once before all of the tests.您也可以指定:all,表示RSpec在执行所有测试之前只调用一次before代码块。