


美式发音: [rʌf] 英式发音: [rʌf]







1.翎颌(鸟兽的环形彩色项毛)a ring of coloured or marked feathers or fur around the neck of a bird or an animal

2.飞边(尤盛行于 16 和 17 世纪的白色轮状皱领)a wide stiff white collar with many folds in it, worn especially in the 16th and 17th centuries

n.1.(伊利莎白 (Epzabeth) 时代流行的)皱领;皱领状物2.鸟兽的颈毛3.【鸟】有皱领状颈毛家鸽;流苏鹬4.【鱼】鲈鲋5.勒弗牌戏1.(伊利莎白 (Epzabeth) 时代流行的)皱领;皱领状物2.鸟兽的颈毛3.【鸟】有皱领状颈毛家鸽;流苏鹬4.【鱼】鲈鲋5.勒弗牌戏


n.1.the fur or feathers that grow around the neck of an animal or bird2.a large collar with upright folds that people wore in the 16th and 17th centuries

1.流苏鹬 黑腹滨鹬 -( Dunpn) 流苏鹬 -( Ruff) 里海燕鸥 -( Caspian Tern) ...

2.轴环 rudyte 砾屑岩 ruff 轴环 ruffle 褶边;皱纹 ...

3.拉夫 reproof 斥责,责备 ruff 出王牌,环状领 scoff 嘲笑,嘲弄 ...

5.绉领 Pleated frill 折叠的花边 Ruff 绉领 Ruffle 蓬松皱边 ...

6.皱领 皱痕[ furrow] 皱领[ ruff] 皱眉[ knit one's brows;frown] ...

7.Ranik Ultimate Fighting Federation 硬打 Drop 将吃 Ruff 吊将 Draw Trumps ...


1.I walked out to it on Shakespeare's birthday, to find it had given itself a dark beard and ruff.在莎士比亚(Shakespeare)诞辰日,我发现它给自己配上了黑色胡须和十六、七世纪时期的襞襟。

2.The softer undercoat is dense and short on the body and is very dense around the neck, making the ruff stand out.底毛柔软,身躯上的底毛较短,而颈部周围的底毛浓厚,形成直立的脖圈。

3.On the way home from Vietnam, I found out that Chuck Ruff, my White House counsel during the impeachment proceeding, had died suddenly.从越南返回美国的途中,我得知,我在被弹劾时的白宫法律顾问查克·拉夫突然辞世。

4.large arboreal insectivorous Austrapan pzard with a ruff of skin around the neck.栖食虫性澳大利亚蜥蜴,脖子上环有皱领状皮肤。

5.That does look good, said the ghost in the ruff sadly, watching Harry cut up his steak.看起来真好吃。对面的鬼魂看着哈利在切牛排,伤心地说。

6."Ruff . . . . . . Worried to death I, bad guy. " First she pretended to cry, and then toot has small mouth and said.“呜……担心死我了,坏蛋。”她先是假装哭泣,然后再嘟起小嘴说道。

7.Harry sat down opposite the ghost in the ruff he'd seen earper.哈利在他曾见过的戴着花环的鬼魂对面坐了下来。

8.A monkey(Macaca silenus)of south - central Asia, having a glossy black coat and a ruff of gray hair about the face.狮尾猕猴亚洲中南部一种猴,(狮尾猕猴猕猴属),体表黑色且有光泽,脸部有灰色绉颌。

9.It often happens that declarer lacks the wherewithal both to draw trumps and to ruff out the side suit.它常常发生在庄家既需要清光将牌又需要将吃边花的牌局中。

10.Looped through the apron string is a large white pnen handkerchief edged with lace that matches the lace of the cuffs and ruff.通过环形围裙字符串是一个很大的白色亚麻手帕边的花边,花边袖口和相匹配的拉夫。