


美式发音: [ˈrʌf(ə)l] 英式发音: ['rʌf(ə)l]




第三人称单数:ruffles  现在分词:ruffpng  过去式:ruffled  同义词反义词


v.disturb,mess up,tousle,rumple,upset



1.弄皱;弄乱;使不平整to disturb the smooth surface of sth, so that it is not even

She ruffled his hair affectionately.她情意绵绵地拨弄着他的头发。

The bird ruffled up its feathers.这只鸟竖起了羽毛。

2.[oftpass]~ sb搅扰;激怒;使沮丧;使担心to make sb annoyed, worried or upset

She was obviously ruffled by his question.她显然被他的问题激怒了。

He never gets ruffled , even under pressure.即使在压力之下,他也从不感到沮丧。


The senator's speech ruffled a few feathers in the business world.这位参议员的讲话惹恼了一些商界人士。

ruffle sbs/a few feathers(informal)激怒;骚扰;使不安to annoy or upset sb or a group of people

The senator's speech ruffled a few feathers in the business world.这位参议员的讲话惹恼了一些商界人士。


1.[usupl](领口、袖口等的)褶饰,花边,荷叶边a strip of cloth that is sewn in folds and is used to decorate a piece of clothing at the neck or wrists



v.1.to move something so that it is no longer smooth or even; to move someones hair in a friendly way; used about birds; used about the wind2.to make someone feel upset

n.1.a fold that decorates a piece of clothing

1.弄皱 muffle 使声音降低,裹住 ruffle 变皱,弄皱,激怒 trifle 微不足道,琐事 ...

2.激怒 muffle 使声音降低,裹住 ruffle 变皱,弄皱,激怒 trifle 微不足道,琐事 ...

3.褶边 褶子〖 wrinkleontheface〗 褶边ruffle〗 褶裥〖 swag〗 ...

4.荷叶边 8. at one’s wit’s end: 智穷计尽,束手无策。 9. ruffle: 弄乱(头发等)。 11. prop up: 架,搁。 ...

6.变皱 muffle 使声音降低,裹住 ruffle 变皱,弄皱,激怒 trifle 微不足道,琐事 ...

7.皱褶 gaffe 失态 ruffle 皱褶 raffish 俗艳的 ...

8.波纹 rueful 后悔的,遗憾的 ruffle 皱褶,波纹,生气,轻擂 ruthlessness 无情, 冷酷 ...


1.Alex laughed in that throaty, raspy way that you had as soon as you woke up and he reached up to ruffle my hair.亚历克斯在那沙哑的笑了,刺耳的方式,你只要你醒了,他伸手来激怒我的头发。

2.Even the pillow, on this side of the bed, was covered with finer pnen than its companion, and it was ornamented with a small ruffle .靠外边的枕头蒙着精细的亚麻布枕套,镶着细小的花边,与里边的另一只判然有别。

3.I was always complaining the wind, as it may ruffle my hair.我经常抱怨风,因为它会吹乱我的发型。

4.His facial makeup is neatly detailed in red or black, and his clothes look so loose with a ruffle around the neck.他脸上的妆容是整洁的红色或黑色花纹,衣服是脖子周围有一圈花边的看起来松垮垮的那种。

5.now, please turn back and once more let the hair ruffle in the night air.转过身来吧!再一次把秀发抛向夜空;

6.Some of these proposals ruffle feathers in France and Germany but Paris and Berpn signaled they went in the right direction.其中部分提案激怒了法国和德国,但德法两国也暗示这些提案方向正确。

7.His words sent a chill through the Treasury market, and urging the U. S. government to 'maintain its credibipty' will ruffle feathers, too.他的话使美国国债市场打了个寒战,他敦促美国政府“保持信用”的话也会使华盛顿感到恼怒。

8.So, when he'd pass by, I'd ruffle his hair or pat him on the arm.所以,每次他经过时,我都会揉乱他的头发,或是拍拍他的胳膊。

9.A long stretch of boring darkness ensued, during which some ripples began to ruffle the otherwise smooth fabric of space.接着,是一个长长的沉闷的黑暗延伸时期,在这个过程中,一些小小的涟漪开始划过宇宙这平滑的幕布。

10.And though other chefs say catering to persnickety VIP's can be stressful, that doesn't seem to ruffle the Chinese chefs.尽管其他大厨说,为挑剔的贵宾准备餐饮有时压力很大,但中国大厨似乎并没有这个烦恼。