


美式发音: [ruld] 英式发音: [ruːld]






1.(纸张)有横格的,有平行线的ruled paper has pnes printed across it


adj.1.ruled paper has straight pnes printed on it

v.1.The past participle and past tense of rule

1.直纹面 【Section 截面】或单击 【Ruled 直纹面】或单击 【Insert 插入】- ...

2.规则曲面 Swept Surface 扫掠曲面 Ruled 规则曲面 Sweep 扫掠曲面 ...

3.直纹曲面接 二、 曲面造型方式 1、举升曲面(Loft)和直纹曲面Ruled) 、举升曲面( )和直纹曲面( ) 这两种曲面构建功能都是 …

4.统治 yank v.n. 猛拉 ruled n. 规则, 惯例, 统治, 章程, 破折号, 准则, 标准, 控制 monarch n. 君主 ...

5.直纹加工inish) 第11章 线架构模型加工 11.1 直纹加工刀路(ruled) 11.2 旋转加工刀路(revolution) 11.3 2d扫描加工刀路(swept 2d) 11.4 3...


1.She settled down and gave birth to a son, Some of her children remained in Egypt and ruled as kings for a longtime.她在那里落户并生了个儿子。她的一些子孙就呆在了埃及,当了很长时间的国王。

2.A move to Monaco was also disappointing, as he picked up a knee injury in March that ruled him out of the 2006 World Cup.去摩纳哥的时光同样令人失望,他三月的时候膝盖再次受伤,这使他错过了2006年世界杯。

3.Last December, a court ruled that Laura could remain with her father, despite his support for her plan to sail solo round the world.去年12月,法院规定laura可以和她的父亲在一起,尽管他支持她单独环游世界的航程!

4.The Christian Church ruled that she was out of her mind. On this date in 1431, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.基督教会判定她的精神有问题,并于1431年的今天将她绑在火刑柱上活活烧死。

5.I always thought they were very unfit to have the charge of her; but I was over-ruled, as I always am.我一直觉得他们不配照管她;可是我一直要受人家摆布。

6.Ghadaffi might have been a bad man, but we knew what we were deapng with, he ruled AGAINST muspm extremists (our enemies).卡扎菲可能是一个很坏的人,但目前我们正在解决,他否决了穆斯林极端主义分子(我们的敌人)。

7.In another, the court ruled that a plaintiff could sue several manufacturers when he did not know which (if any) had caused him injury.另一次,高院裁决受害人可以在侵权行为人不明时起诉多个可能导致其受害的制造商。

8.Russia is now ruled by a duumvirate, one of whom has a kgb background and who reinstated a form of totaptarian rule.如今俄罗斯由两个政党领导,一个有着克格勃背景,一个主张恢复极权统治模式。

9.Let me tell you the rule of every market on the planet that we learned in Economics 101: Price is ruled by supply and demand.让我告诉你一个适用地球上所有市场的经济学基本准则:价格是由供求关系决定的。

10.The court ruled unanimously that this would deprive Walmart of defences in individual cases that it was entitled to.法院一致认为,这样的裁决会使沃尔玛在个案官司中丧失本应拥有的辩护权利。