




1.龙德施泰特加单位的速度,不过其生命值和士 气会随之降低 4、龙德施泰特Rundstedt) (1)复仇武器(V Weapons) :向指定地点 …

2.龙德施泰特将军 Manstein/ 曼施泰因 Rundstedt/ 伦德施泰特 Chuikov/ 崔可夫 ...

4.德斯特 罗斯福( Roosevelt) 伦德斯特Rundstedt) 司图登特( Student) ...


1.Both Rommel and his direct superior Field Marshal Rundstedt, Commander-in-Chief in the west bepeved that the Alpes would land on Calais.隆美尔和他的直接上级隆施泰特元帅(德国西线总司令)都认为盟军将在加莱登陆。

2.This was a considerable force, though far weaker than Rundstedt's army group on the same front in 1940.这是一支相当可观的力量,虽然远远比不上1940年伦斯德在同一战场上所使用的集团军群。

3.But the commander-in-chief Rundstedt think this is the Alped diversionary tactics, and do not care.但总司令龙德施泰特却认为这是盟军声东击西的手法,并不在意。

4.Later I heard that Rundstedt laughed off the alarm .后来,我听说伦斯德对这种惊慌一笑置之。

5.It would merely mean, he told Rundstedt, "moving tile catastrophe from one place to another. "他对伦斯德说,撤退不过是“把灾难转移一个地方而已。”

6.Von Rundstedt's two army groups are commanded in the north by Field Marshal Rommel and in the south by Field Marshal Blasskowitz.冯·隆德施泰特的两个集团军分别由隆美尔元帅(北部),和布拉斯科维茨元帅(南部)指挥。