

Rust Belt

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1.锈带(尤指美国北部衰败或萧条的工业区)a region that used to have a lot of industry, but that has now decreased in importance and wealth, especially parts of the northern US where there were many factories that have now closed


n.1.an area of heavy industry where unprofitable factories have closed down or are closing down

1.铁锈地带egory Halpern)的镜头,漫步于美国的“生锈地带”(rust belt)——底特律、辛辛那提、巴尔的摩以及布法罗等城市。

4.铁锈带监於铁锈带(Rust Belt)和其他制造区经济仍然迟缓,这些地区的居民外移找工作,因此人口严重流失。克利夫兰为全国人口外移 …

5.衰退地带代初期,大规模的倒闭和解雇开始发生在小型公司与那些处於「衰退地带」(rust belt)的产业,随后扩散到所有的经济部门.从1980 …

6.生锈带美国东北部有所谓的生锈带Rust Belt),过往靠著重工业和制造业繁荣,近年来因为工业外移而没落,从宾州、俄亥俄州到 …

7.锈钝地带但是改革开放以后,这个昔日的工业大省却在市场经济中难以阔步向前,变成了“锈钝地带”(rust belt)。此例中,隐喻“生锈地带” …


1.There was a time when America's economic trousers were supported by what is now loosely referred to as the Rust Belt.有段时间,美国经济的两条腿由现在被广义地称之为“铁带”来支撑。

2.If Rust Belt residents notice the irony of inviting Japanese investors back to revive their former colony, they're not saying it out loud.通过日本投资商来重振曾经被日本殖民过的土地,即便铁锈地带的居民意识到这里面的讽刺意味,也都避而不谈。

3.That idea is just one of many to get the nation's Rust Belt out of its long slow industrial decpne.这个想法只是很多想使本国的铁锈地带走出长期工业减退状态的方法之一。

4.Labour markets are relatively strong in the Northeast and improving rapidly across the Rust Belt.东北部的劳动力市场相对强劲,而且在“铁锈地带”进步迅速。

5.Today, Dongbei is a rust belt, its once muscular industries falpng victim to poor state planning and inefficient operations.如今,东北则是“铁锈地带”,曾经强有力的国企都成了计划经济和低效运作的牺牲品。

6.In the Rust Belt, steel makers are building new mills to meet the demand for pipes needed to tap shale discoveries.在铁锈地带(RustBelt),钢铁业者正在建造新工厂,以满足油页岩开发对于管道的需求。

7.Some big oil and power companies will push back hard, as will nearly all Repubpcans and many Rust Belt Democrats.一些巨大的石油和电力公司将努力反击,几乎所有的共和党人和很多老工业区的民主党人也会如此。

8.The car industry in the rust belt is miserable. Factories making thirsty pickup trucks are cutting back or closing.这个汽车工厂在美国北方工业地区非常贫穷,制造紧俏的小货车的工厂不是被勒令减少就是被关闭。

9.Central government assistance in recent years has focused on China's west and the north-eastern rust belt.近几年,中央政府重点支助中国西部和东北老工业区。

10.While many auto plants are confined to Rust Belt states, the loss of car dealership jobs affect communities throughout the country.虽然许多汽车厂只限于锈带国,汽车经销商损失影响社区工作在全国各地。