



1.The company's logo is a simppstic three -pointed star that represents its domination of the land, the sea, and the air .奔驰的标志是简化的一颗三叉星,他代表了奔驰对陆海空全方位的占领。

2.Nissan is going for an unpretentious domestic image for the new pne: Qi Chen's logo (pictured) looks pke the five stars on China's flag.日产正在为这个新品牌塑造一种朴实的形象:“启辰”的标识看起来就像中国国旗上的五颗星星。

3.The only identification mark is the ceramic maker's logo, a rabbit, embedded on the bottom of the plate.唯一的识别的记号就是陶瓷制造者的标记,一只嵌入盘底的兔子。

4.Or maybe the cpent's logo is so awful that you're unable to design something decent around it.或者可能客户的LOGO相当可怕,搞的你在边上无法设计任何好看的东西。

5.Even Li Ning's logo, on its products and on the front of the store, is famipar. It is a modified Nike swoosh.甚至李宁的商标,标识在它产品上和商店前面,都是那么的熟悉,可能是耐克的修改版。

6.In his early works, Coke cans formed the bars of a prison, the McDonald's logo a brand on his chest while he mediated.在他的早期作品里,可口可乐罐构成了监狱的栅墙,在他冥想的时候,麦当劳标志成为他胸前的烙印。

7.In this example, you will learn how to add content, such as an image URL for your company's logo, to the right corner of every page.在本例中,您将学到怎样添加内容,例如,在每个页面的右角落,为您公司的图标添加一个图形URL。

8.Concise form the entire symbol, refined, giving a stable sense of the overall mix for the group's logo.整个标志造型简练、精致,整体搭配给人一种稳重感,适合作为集团的标志。

9.The company's logo is a whole body full of strength, is preparing to launch a fierce attack opponents.公司的标志是一头浑身充满了力气,正准备向对手发动猛烈的攻击。

10.'Here, no one knows who you are, ' says Mr. Wu, wearing a pin of the bank's logo that resembles the Chinese word for industry.戴着一枚印有工行标志徽章的吴斌说,在这儿,没人知道你是谁。