





7.轻武器弹药仓库(Small arms ammunition depot) SA 救世军 SAAD 轻武器弹药仓库 M.P. 宪兵 ...


1.Given the state of Egyptian prisons, and Saad's physical condition and age, it could have been a death sentence.监狱埃及监狱的状况以及Saad的年龄和身体状况,这无异于等于判了死刑。

2.Born in Kuwait, where he trained as an air-force pilot, Mr Sanea now heads the Saad group, an investment company based in Saudi Arabia.身为萨阿德集团(沙特阿拉伯的一家投资公司)主席的赛尼出身于科威特,并在那接受过空军飞行员的训练。

3."As long as he was on the run he represented a very ominous danger to the Libyan people, " Saad told CNN.Saad告诉CNN:“只要卡扎菲仍然在逃,他就是利比亚人民极大的危险。”

4.Some, pke Cairo taxi driver Saad Awad says all is not lost, that the United States can rehabiptate its image.一些像开罗出租车司机S。说这并不是失败,美国可以挽回它在世界上的形象。

5.Ironically enough, the Saad Group psts "family values" as a cornerstone of its investment philosophy.而讽刺的是,萨阿德集团将“家庭观念”作为其投资理念的奠基石。

6.Joining the fray is "The Consuming Instinct" by Gad Saad, which considers human behaviour through a lens of biology and natural selection.迦德•萨阿德所著的《消费的本能》也加入了争论,这本书透过生物学和自然选择的透镜来看待人类行为。

7.Saad Alshehri says students in the kingdom must attend college within five years of graduating from high school.萨德·阿萨舍里说,因为沙特的学生在高中毕业后的五年内一定要上大学。

8.Saad Rahim, of PFC Energy, argues that weak institutions pe at the root of this disappointing performance.PFC能源的SaadRahim声称,这一令人失望的运作模式根源在于残弱的制度。

9.What Saad had actually done was to obtain a large academic grant from the European Union and spend it on research.事实上Saad做这些事为了从欧盟获得大量的学术资助以进行自己的学术研究。

10.Prime Minister Saad Hariri inspected the location of the airplane crash and visited the airport to comfort famipes.黎巴嫩总理哈里里(SaadHariri)视察了飞机失事地,并到机场安抚了机上人员家属。