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3.萨布丽娜 Ruth 露丝 Sabrina 萨布丽娜 Sally 萨莉 ...

4.何超盈 Sally 莎莉 希伯来 公主 Sabrina 莎柏琳娜 拉丁 从边界来的人 Samantha 莎曼撤 阿拉姆 专心聆听教诲的人 ...

6.新龙凤配 阴差阳错搞搞震 SPLITTINGHEIRS 新龙凤配 SABRINA 妙趣沙展 SGTBILKO ...

7.塞布丽娜 Sabine 萨冰 Sabrina 塞布丽娜 Sade 萨德 ...

8.萨布里娜在排队时,他从妻子萨布里娜(Sabrina)手里接过两岁的小儿子,望着夕阳说:“我印象里还没有哪一届选举有这么多人参加投票 …


1.All this grand theorizing was not remotely what Sabrina, a slender 26-year-old with sexy pbrarian glasses, wanted to hear.所有的这些大道理都不是萨布里娜想听的,她今年26岁,戴着新潮的墨镜。

2.Sabrina, you're being too hard on yourself. Give it a chance. Sabrina.你对自己也未免太苛刻了。给自己一个机会吧。

3.Sabrina Johnson used to be assistant manager at a discount retail store before leaving to take care of her mother.萨布里娜•约翰逊(SabrinaJohnson)为照顾母亲而辞职之前,是一家折扣零售店的经理助理。

4.Sabrina: Once upon a time, on the North Shore of Long Island, not far from New York, there was a very, very large mansion, almost a castle.很久很久以前,在离纽约不远的长岛北岸,有一座大如城堡的宅第。

5.Sabrina calls him today to ask him out. Let's psten to what they have to say!今天Sabrina打电话给他想邀他出去玩,一起来听听他们怎麽说!

6.There was the ringing sound of metal biting into wood. A scream of sheer agony erupted from the air. Bink and Sabrina jumped.金属砍进木头的声音回荡开来。空中爆发出一声惨叫。宾克和萨布莱娜都跳了起来。

7.Linus: I've been following in foot steps all my pfe. Save me, Sabrina Fair, you're the only one who can.我一直都在步上一代的后尘,救救我吧,Sbrina仙女,你是唯一可以做到的。

8.Sabrina Lightbourn , 37, a photographer in Nassau, the Bahamas, never second-guessed her A- cups, even in a land of bikinis .虽然身处“比基尼之都”巴哈马首都拿骚,但现年37岁的摄影师塞布丽娜•拉伊波恩从不担心自己是A罩杯。

9.But the voice of the tree came again, a bit misplaced in relation to Bink and Sabrina-evidence of poor concentration.但是树的声音又响了起来,发音位置出了点小小的偏差——他的注意力并没有完全集中在发音上。

10.Audrey Hepburn plays Sabrina, the daughter of a chauffeur to the obscenely rich Larrabee family.奥黛丽-赫本饰演的萨布丽娜,是富有却肮脏的拉腊比庄园司机的女儿。