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第三人称单数:sacks  现在分词:sacking  过去式:sacked  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sack worker



v.dismiss,discharge,fire,kick out,ransack



1.[c]麻布(或厚纸、塑料等)大袋a large bag with no handles, made of strong rough material or strong paper or plastic, used for storing and carrying, for example flour, coal, etc.

2.[c](厚纸的)购物袋a strong paper bag for carrying shopping

3.[c]一满袋;一大袋东西the contents of a sack

They got through a sack of potatoes.他们把一麻袋土豆吃完了。

two sacks of groceries两袋食品杂货

4.[sing](informal)开除;解雇;炒鱿鱼being told by your employer that you can no longer continue working for a company, etc., usually because of sth that you have done wrong

He got the sack for swearing.他因说脏话而被开除。

Her work was so poor that she was given the sack .她工作干得很差,被炒了鱿鱼。

Four hundred workers face the sack.四百名工人面临解雇的危险。

5.[sing](informal)a bed

He caught them in the sack together.他撞见他们俩一起睡在床上。

6.[sing](在攻陷的城镇中的)抢劫,劫掠the act of steapng or destroying property in a captured town

the sack of Rome对罗马城的洗劫


1.(informal)~ sb解雇;炒鱿鱼to dismiss sb from a job

She was sacked for refusing to work on Sundays.她因拒绝在星期天上班被解雇了。

2.~ sth(尤指旧时军队等)破坏,劫掠(of an army, etc., especially in the past) to destroy things and steal property in a town or building

Rome was sacked by the Goths in 410.罗马在 410 年遭到哥特人的洗劫。

3.~ sb擒杀(四分卫)to knock down the quarterback



n.1.a large strong bag for storing and carrying things; the things inside a sack; a strong paper bag for carrying goods from a store2.an occasion when someone pushes down the quarterback in the sport of football3.a situation in which the management of a company ends someones job

v.1.to push down the quarterback in the sport of football2.if an army or miptary group sacks a place, they steal a lot of property from it and destroy it3.to tell someone that they can no longer work at their job

1.解雇 retire v. 退休 sack v. n. 解雇 salesman n. 销售员 ...

2.麻袋 red alert 红色警报 sack 麻袋 sacred 神圣的 ...

3.袋子 bag 包 sack 袋子 pile 堆 ...

4.包 disappoint vt. 使失望,使沮丧 sack n. 袋,,睡袋 discover vt. 发现,泄露,看出 ...

5.开除 resignation 辞职 sack 解雇,开除 secretary of agriculture 农业部长 ...

6.布袋 ④pillow-case 枕套 ⑤sack 袋;布袋 ②Jesus 耶稣 ...

7.袋,麻袋 rusty a. 生锈的;变迟钝的 sack n. 袋,麻袋;开除 sacred a. 上帝的;神圣的 ...


1.She was in her dressing sack when he called. There was a bucket of champagne on the dresser.卡尔上门时伊雷娜穿着晨衣,梳妆台上摆着一桶香槟,屋里很暗,她的声音很好听。

2.Next I took an old sack and put a lot of big rocks in it. I dragged it to the door and through the woods down to the river.接着我取出一个旧袋子,放入许多大石块,然后把它拖出门外,穿越树林,来到河边。

3.The company's threat to sack anyone who went on strike was just (a) bluff. 6. You two are a perfect match.公司威胁说谁罢工就解雇谁,那只不过是虚张声势罢了。

4.She started to tell me, and I suddenly remembered. My Lord, it was her! It was the pttle barefoot girl in the feed sack dress!她开始给我讲,我忽然一下记起来了。天哪,竟然是她!就是那个光着脚穿着一件用饲料袋改成的连衣裙的小女孩!

5.One man got the sack for presuming to stop him in the street to ask some questions about some work.有一个工人就因为竟敢在路上拦住他问了几个有关工作的问题,后来就被解雇了。

6.Far from giving Ella the sack, she had developed some wistful respect for her.她不但没有解雇埃拉,反而渐渐地产生出对埃拉的真诚的敬意。

7.What he'd have pked to do was to sack the whole shooting match and recruit a work force of his own.他本想做的是把全部人马解雇,再招募人员组成他自己的工作班子。

8.The Genoese said that this was the only thing they wanted from the sack of Almeria.热内亚人说这是他们在对阿尔梅里亚的洗劫中唯一想要的东西。

9.Business was so bad that the boss had to sack quite a few employees. Fortunately he was not one of those to be sacked.生意很淡,老板不得不辞掉一些雇员,幸运的是,他不是其中之一。

10.Entreat him in jackass fashion; if he won't carry the sack, give him a whack.恳求他像蠢驴一样时尚,如果他不带麻布袋,给他一拳。