




1.萨达特 ... 第五惑星 Enemy Mine 埃及之虎沙达特 Sadat 一柱擎天 Jaws 3;Jaws 3-D ...


1.In the 1970s under Anwar Sadat, and with encouragement from his wife Jehan, women made further gains.20世纪70年代,在安瓦尔.沙达特的统治下和他的妻子杰汉的鼓励下,妇女获得了更多的权益。

2.A tourist in Cairo spots three photographs on the wall of a restaurant: one of Nasser, another of Sadat, and the third of Hosni Mubarak.一位在开罗旅游的游客发现餐馆上挂着三个人的照片:拿赛尔(Nasser),萨达特(Sadat)和穆巴拉克。

3.Jamila Sadat, a teacher, was about to walk into the shopping mall when she was hit by flying glass after two blasts rocked the building.贾米拉•萨达特(JamilaSadat)是一名教师。正当她即将走进上述那家购物中心时,两声爆炸将建筑震得直颤,一块飞落的玻璃击中了她。

4.Though one of the most revered leaders of his time, Sadat was assassinated in 1981.尽管是他所在时代最受尊敬的领袖之一,萨达特还是在1981年被人暗杀。

5.And even Sadat's fans grew to fear his increasingly mercurial temper and were repeved by his exit.即使是萨达特的追随者也对他的喜怒无常心怀畏惧,对他的离去长舒一口气。

6.Sadat was the driving force and chief architect of the treaty with Israel.萨达特生前是主张同以色列达成和解的推动者和总设计师。

7.He worked as a senior information official for both Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat, Abdel Nasser's successor as president.他作为一名高级新闻官都总统纳赛尔和萨达特,总统纳赛尔的继任为总统。

8.After making peace with Israel in 1979, the late President Anwar Sadat said that henceforth Egypt would not wage war, except over water.在1979年与以色列言归于好后,已故的埃及总统AnwarSadat当时就表态,埃及今后将不再发动战争,除非为水一战。

9.Sadat ushered me into a large room that served as his office.萨达特把我引进他用作办公室的一个大房间里。

10.Ephu Katz challenged me at the time to show what semiotics could do, by proposing a day-by-day analysis of Sadat's performance.卡茨向我挑战,建议为撒达特每天的表现作分析,以展示符号语言学可以如何应用。