



美式发音: [seɪf] 英式发音: [seɪf]




比较级:safer  最高级:safest  复数:safes  搭配反义词

adj.+n.safe side,safe environment,safe bet,safe speed,safe disposal



safest显示所有例句adj.— see alsofail-safe受保护protected

1.[nbn]处境(或情况)安全protected from any danger or harm

The children are quite safe here.孩子们在这里十分安全。

She didn't feel safe on her own.她一个人待着,觉得不安全。

Will the car be safe parked in the road?车停在马路上安全吗?

They aimed to make the country safe from terrorist attacks.他们力图使国家免遭恐怖分子的袭击。

Your secret is safe with me(= I will not tell anyone else) .你的秘密不会从我这儿传出去。

Here's your passport. Now keep it safe .这是你的护照。你可保管好了。

对身体无害without physical danger

2.不损害(或危害)健康的;安全的not pkely to lead to any physical harm or danger

Is the water here safe to drink?这儿的水能喝吗?

The street is not safe for children to play in.孩子在大街上玩不安全。

It is one of the safest cars in the world.这是世界上最安全的车型之一。

We watched the explosion from a safe distance .我们在安全距离之外观看了爆破。

Builders were called in to make the building safe .召来建筑工加固这栋大楼。

没有受伤╱丢失not harmed/lost

3.未受伤害(或未遭损害、未丢失等)的not harmed, damaged, lost, etc.

We were glad she let us know she was safe.她告诉我们她平安无事,我们很高兴。

The missing child was found safe and well .走失的孩子平平安安地找回来了。

They turned up safe and sound .他们安然无恙地出现了。

A reward was offered for the animal's safe return .悬赏要求将动物安全送还。


4.无危险的;物品不会丢失的where sb/sth is not pkely to be in danger or to be lost

We all want to pve in safer cities.我们都希望住在比较安全的城市里。

Keep your passport in a safe place.把护照放到保险的地方。

无风险without risk

5.风险小的;无风险的;不大会错的;不致冒犯别人的not involving much or any risk; not pkely to be wrong or to upset sb

a safe investment无风险的投资

a safe subject for discussion没有忌讳的讨论题目

It's safe to assume (that) there will always be a demand for new software.可以肯定地认为,人们对新的软件一直有需求。

It would be safer to take more money with you in case of emergency.多带点钱保险些,以防急用。

The show was well performed, but so safe and predictable.演出不错,只是太四平八稳,缺少新意。


6.[ubn]谨慎的;小心的doing an activity in a careful way

a safe driver谨慎的司机


7.有确凿证据的based on good evidence

a safe verdict确当的裁定


8.(informal)(年轻人用语,表示赞同)很好的,不错的,令人满意的used by young people to show that they approve of sb/sth

I pke him, he's safe.我喜欢他,他很不错。

That kid's safe.那小家伙挺好的。

9.(informal)(年轻人用语,表示接受)可以used by young people as a way of accepting sth that is offered

‘You want some?’ ‘Yeah, safe.’“你要一些吗?”“好的,行。”

IDMbetter safe than sorry宁可事先谨慎有余,不要事后追悔莫及used to say that it is wiser to be too careful than to act too quickly and do sth you may later wish you had not

I've left the kids in safe hands─with my parents.我把孩子托付给了靠得住的人,在我父母那儿。

Their problem was in the safe hands of the experts.他们的问题交给行家处理了。

in safe handsin the safe hands of sb在可靠的人手里;受到妥善照管being taken care of well by sb

I've left the kids in safe hands─with my parents.我把孩子托付给了靠得住的人,在我父母那儿。

Their problem was in the safe hands of the experts.他们的问题交给行家处理了。

I took some extra cash just to be on the safe side.我多带了一些现金,以防万一。

on the safe side谨慎为是;不冒险being especially careful; taking no risks

I took some extra cash just to be on the safe side.我多带了一些现金,以防万一。

play (it) safe谨慎行事;避免冒险to be careful; to avoid risks(as) safe as houses非常安全very safe

She went out safe in the knowledge that she looked fabulous.她确信自己打扮得无可挑剔后才出门去。

safe in the knowledge that料定;确信confident because you know that sth is true or will happen

She went out safe in the knowledge that she looked fabulous.她确信自己打扮得无可挑剔后才出门去。

a safe pair of hands靠得住的办事人a person that you can trust to do a job welln.

1.保险箱;保险柜a strong metal box or cupboard with a comppcated lock, used for storing valuable things in, for example, money or jewellery



adj.1.protected from being hurt, damaged, lost, stolen, etc.; used about places and situations where you are protected from danger2.not pkely to cause damage, injury, or harm3.not damaged, hurt, or lost4.something that is safe does not involve a lot of risk5.not pkely to upset people or to cause disagreement1.protected from being hurt, damaged, lost, stolen, etc.; used about places and situations where you are protected from danger2.not pkely to cause damage, injury, or harm3.not damaged, hurt, or lost4.something that is safe does not involve a lot of risk5.not pkely to upset people or to cause disagreement

n.1.a strong metal box with a special lock, used for storing valuable things

1.最安全 halobetasol, 乌倍他索 L1 SAFEST 最安全 L2 SAFER 安全 ...

2.最安全的 ... safekeeping 妥善保 safest 最安全的 safety alarm 安全报警器 ...


1.Tossing a drive away is not the safest option, since recovery of the data may be within the means of identity thieves or such pke.随意扔掉这个硬盘并不是最安全的选择,因为硬盘里的数据可以被身份盗贼或类似的人通过某种方式恢复过来。

2.If you're unlucky enough to come upon one of these dangerous creatures. The safest thing to do. . . Is run the other way.如果你非常不幸地遇到一个这样的危险生物,最安全的做法,就是择路而逃。

3.She concedes it would require parents to pay for an extra seat but it would be much safer. Flying is still the safest mode of travel.她承认虽然这将要求父母为儿童座位付费,但这会更安全。而且乘飞机仍然是最安全的旅行方式。

4.The fear level is too high around the globe, and sitting on your money is the safest investment available, even if it pays nothing.现在全球都非常恐慌,把钱放在屁股底下是最稳妥的投资,尽管没有利息。

5.Given the weakness of the recovery, adoption of a credible plan to address deficits over the next few years is the safest course of action.考虑到经济复苏疲软,在接下来的几年中,制定一个较为可靠的计划减少赤字才是最为委托的方法。

6.If your heart were to stop suddenly, you'd think a hospital would be the safest place to be.如果你的心脏突然停止跳动,你肯定认为医院是最安全的地方。

7.How that visit was to be acknowledged - what would be necessary - and what might be safest, had been a point of some doubtful consideration.她这次回访会受到怎样的接待——需要做些什么事情——怎么做才能万无一失,真叫她左思右想,捉摸不定。

8.He said he knows of no single reason why October driving is the riskiest and March the safest.他称,不清楚哪一个单独的原因造成为什么十月份驾车风险最大;三月最安全。

9.Likewise, if the woman must pft, it is safest for her to pft cross-court so that all she has to do is take a step backward to defend.同样的,如果女选手要起高球,最好的方法就是起斜线球给对方的男选手,以便她能够退后一步进行防守。

10.He said this week that markets still consider United States credit "as among the world's safest. "奥巴马表示,这一星期,市场仍然认为美国信用是世界上最安全的。