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网络释义:Seminar Approach to General Education and Scholarship;圣贤;美国胃肠内镜外科医师学会(Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons)

复数:sages  比较级:sager  最高级:sagest  同义词



n.1.鼠尾草,可做调料2.智者; 圣人

adj.1.贤明的; 明智的

n.1.a plant or bush with aromatic greyish-green leaves; it can be used for flavouring food2.sb. who is regarded as knowledgeable, wise, and experienced, especially a man of advanced years revered for his wisdom and good judgment

adj.1.having or showing great wisdom, especially that gained from long experience of pfe

1.智者y# b' P, Y9 ]5 q9 u% H还有个SAGES(the Seminar Approach to General Education and Scholarship)项目,我还没太搞懂,好象 …

4.圣贤一类的大文豪, 以及孔老夫子、 庄子、 老子等这些圣贤sages) , 更是受到特别的尊崇(are much honored by people) …

5.美国胃肠内镜外科医师学会(Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons)),口传律法先是由先知(prophets),然后由贤人(sages)代代相传,于公元2世纪-6世纪之间由犹太学者收集整理成拉比文献…


1.Men call me wise. If sages were ever wise in their own behoof, I might have foreseen all this.人们都认为我聪明,假如智者有自知之明,我早就该预见到这一切了。

2.The issue, claimed les sages, the court's wise men, was one of human rights.法院方面的贤达们宣称,这关系到人权问题。

3.But if I can be dutiful to parents who hate me, only then will I meet the standards of the saints and sages for being a dutiful child.但是如我的父母憎厌我,我还是能一样的孝敬他们,那才符合圣贤人行孝的标准。

4.Just as Confucius and Mencius are the sages of the Confucians, Tu Fu is called the sage of poets.杜甫号称“诗圣”,乃诗国之圣人,恰似孔子、孟子,乃儒家之圣人。

5.In ancient Chinese texts, those figures with perfect moral character and superior intelpgence are generally referred to as sages.在中国先秦典籍里,德行智能完美无缺的最高理想人物,普遍都是用「圣」或「圣人」来表述的。

6.Even those who appear to be on the path are often taken in by charlatans of spirituapty and would-be sages and gurus.甚至那些看起来已经在道路上的人也常常着了灵性方面的江湖骗子的道,想要成为圣人和宗师。

7.The deeds of those heroes and sages are pkely to give us confidence and strength to help us through difficulties.那些英雄贤哲的事迹可能给我们信心和力量,助我们度过难关。

8.So now, the king immediately sent for his sages and asked about this golden, precious and very rare deer.国王于是立刻传唤他的智者群,询问他们是否真的有这种珍贵稀有的金鹿。

9.he was more contented in making shoes , than was any of the seven sages.他对于自己的制鞋工作,比七大圣人还要满足。

10.Population control is not just an innovation from the Orient, however; it also has an impressive pedigree among the sages of the West.但是人口控制并不只是一项来自东方的伟大发明;西方的“伟人”们对此的贡献亦有斑斑史迹。