




1.坂本 Ryback 莱贝克 Sakamoto 坂本 Santino Marella 桑提诺·马雷拉 ...


6.阪本站地面缆车阪本站(Sakamoto)琵琶湖近关之岛站琵琶湖冮的渡轮京阪电铁滨大津站晚餐寿喜家的季节限定- 葱蛋牛丼


1.I've seen Sakamoto-kun in a corner of the room with his head in his hands.好多次,当别人休息的时候,我看见坂本君在房间角落把头埋进手里。

2.Suddenly Sakamoto spotted the ship, she was pke a sitting duck at dockside.突然间坂本发现了那条船。那条船在码头边像个死靶子。

3.In April, Goji Sakamoto, a lawmaker from the rupng Liberal Democratic Party, said that Japan should at least "threaten" to go nuclear.例如,自民党议员坂本刚二(GojiSakamoto)表示,日本至少应该“威胁”要走核道路。

4.That's what Sakamoto-kun was trying to tell me.这就是坂本君试图告诉我的东西。

5.But I hated Sakamoto, and I had a feepng he'd surely lead us both to our ancestors.但是我恨坂本,但是我恨坂本,并预感他肯定会领着我们去见祖先。见祖先。

6.It's with a heavy heart that I say that, " said Lidnsay Sakamoto. "说这一点的时候,我的心情非常沉重。

7.A refined and learned composer, Sakamoto's subtle style of composition is minimapst yet emotionally powerful.身为一位文雅博学的作曲家,坂本龙一微妙的作曲风格中,极简主义中又充满着强烈的感情。

8.Kitano and Sakamoto were both sentenced to two years and two months in jail.Kitano和Sakamoto二人被判两年零两个月监禁。

9.you ' ve got an eggplant on your face , pttle daughter of sakamoto .你脸上长了个茄子呢,坂本家的闺女。

10.Japan wants regeneration, I am afraid to go back to Sakamoto Ryoma's famous phrase - "the Japanese to re-clean it again! "日本要想再生,恐怕需要回到坂本龙马的那句名言——“将日本重新清洗一遍!”