




1.咲夜 rindou 雨宫林道 sakuya 橘咲夜 soma 索玛 ...

5.咲也主题名称:快感指令之咲也(sakuya)~附载点~ (218P)图片张数:218张连结网址:http://www.eyny网址被屏蔽/thread-1761590-1-2.ht…


1.Sakuya: From the beginning, you did not expect to put and end to this talking with me.咲夜:起初你们就不期待对此话题做个了结。

2.Sakuya: After this point, if you continue to gamble with your pfe, you will probably regret it.咲夜::从这以后,如果你们还想继续把生命作为赌注,你们会后悔的。

3.Sakuya: But finally I wasn't able to clean what I had to.咲夜:但是我最终还是没能清理掉。

4.Sakuya: I seem to remember that I warned you. . .咲夜:我似乎有警告过你。

5.Sakuya: I'm saying the truth. . . And sorry, but I don't remember having invited you.咲夜:我可是说真话的…还有,不好意思,我记得我没邀请过你。

6.Sakuya: I can't consider you as our guests since you came here uninvited. I have to take out the garbage known as intruders. . .咲夜:我没邀请你就不把你当客人。我只能把你当入侵者那样清扫出去。

7.Sakuya: After this day, she retired and stayed in her room.咲夜:那天之后,她就一直呆在自己房间里。

8.Sakuya: Just because my mistress asked me to built it.咲夜:因为我的小姐叫我去建的。

9.Sakuya: I'm sorry my landlord, but would you wait a pttle bit longer?咲夜:不好意思房东,你能再等一下吗?

10.Sakuya: You entered here without permission, may I help you?咲夜:你未经允许就来了,我能帮你吗?