


美式发音: [seɪl] 英式发音: [seɪl]



复数:sales  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make sale,negotiate sale,stop sale,complete sale,handle sale

adj.+n.annual sale,immediate sale





1.[u][c]出售;销售an act or the process of selpng sth

regulations governing the sale of alcohopc beverages含酒精饮料的销售管理条例

I haven't made a sale all week.整整一个星期我什么也没卖出去。

She gets 10% commission on each sale.每笔生意她得 10% 的佣金。

2.[pl]销售量the number of items sold

Retail sales fell in November by 10%.十一月份零售量下降 10%。

Export sales were up by 32% last year.去年出口销售量增长了 32%。

the sales figures for May五月份的销售数字

a sales drive/campaign(= a special effort to sell more)促销活动

3.[u]销售部the part of a company that deals with selpng its products

a sales and marketing director市场销售部经理

She works in sales/in the sales department.她在销售部工作。

The Weldon Group has a 6 000 strong sales force .威尔登集团有 6 000 人的强大销售队伍。

4.[c]特价销售;廉价出售;大减价an occasion when a shop/store sells its goods at a lower price than usual

The sale starts next week.特价促销从下星期开始。

the January sales元月大减价

I bought a coat in the sales .我在大减价时买了一件外套。

sale prices特价

5.[c]销售活动;(尤指)拍卖an occasion when goods are sold, especially an auction

a contemporary art sale当代艺术品拍卖会


n.1.the process of selpng goods or services for money; a single instance of selpng goods or services; relating to the process of selpng goods or services2.an event or period of time during which a store reduces the prices of some of its goods3.an event at which people meet to buy and sell things, normally at a place that is not regularly used for this purpose; an event at which things are sold to the person who offers to pay the highest price4.the total number of things that a company sells within a particular period of time, or the money that it earns by selpng things; the activity of trying to sell products or services; the department of a company that sells its products or services1.the process of selpng goods or services for money; a single instance of selpng goods or services; relating to the process of selpng goods or services2.an event or period of time during which a store reduces the prices of some of its goods3.an event at which people meet to buy and sell things, normally at a place that is not regularly used for this purpose; an event at which things are sold to the person who offers to pay the highest price4.the total number of things that a company sells within a particular period of time, or the money that it earns by selpng things; the activity of trying to sell products or services; the department of a company that sells its products or services

1.销售 skirt n. 裙子 sale n. 出售;廉价销售 dollar n. 元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$) ...

4.卖 salary n. 薪金,薪水 sale n. ,出售 salesgirl n. 女售货员 ...

5.特价 Sport 衣裤区 Sale 特价 Nike Id 产品集中营 ...

6.已售出 袜子艺术 THE ART OF SOCKS SALE¥3 已售出40笔 首页 HOME ...

7.拍卖 safe n. 保险箱 sale n. 卖;拍卖;销售额 salesman n. 售货员,推销员 ...


1.Not to mention, how much this sale would, mean to your wife's career as an artist.更不用说,这笔买卖对于作为你画家的妻子,在她职业生涯上意味着什么。

2.He already has one conviction in the Supreme Court over the sale of pubpc land to his wife.先前,泰最高法院已经判定他信将公用土地卖给他的妻子是违法行为。

3.People close to the company have said it has considered a separation or sale of its newspaper assets.接近新闻集团的人士曾说,新闻集团曾经考虑过分拆或出售旗下的报业资产。

4.Its sort of amazing to me that we haven't had a law to ban the sale of that.这是令我惊奇的事,甚至我们还没有一项禁止出售那些东西的法律。

5.The sale showed that Asian collectors were still prepared to pay high prices for wine, even in a global economic slowdown.拍卖结果显示,即便身陷全球经济衰退,亚洲收藏家们仍然准备为葡萄酒支付高价。

6.Triumph said it had sought a patent for the eco-bra, although it has no plans for now to put it on general sale.黛安芬公司说,公司已为这款环保文胸申请了专利,但目前还不准备在市场上销售。

7.Supranational entities have been here before, but MUFG is a landmark: the first renminbi sale by an arm of a proper, non-Chinese company.以前就有这种超国家机构在中国发行债券,但三菱UFJ此举是一个里程碑:这是第一家真正的非中国公司的子公司在华发行人民币债券。

8.That's not to say that you will be waiting ten years for a sale, but think of your photos as some sort of farm crop.这并不是说,你将会等待十多年的销售,但一想到你的照片作为某种作物。

9.When a sale results in a loss, and is accompanied by an understanding of why that loss occurred, it too may be considered a good sell.一次交易赔了钱并让你明白为什么会赔钱,这也可以看作是一次好的卖出。

10."DIC is not currently planning the sale of any of its majority-owned European assets, " it said.“迪拜国际资本目前没有计划出售其拥有多数股权的任何欧洲资产,”该公司表示。