


美式发音: ['sæmərə] 英式发音: ['sæmərə]





1.萨马拉城市概况 市徽萨马拉Samara)俄罗斯伏尔加河中游的重工业城市,萨马拉州首府。位于萨马拉河 …

2.翅果 Safari 游猎 Samara 翅果 Samba 桑巴 ...

3.萨玛拉 ... sam browne belt 武装带 samara 翼果 Samaritan 撒马利亚人 ...

6.萨玛菈 olon 马肚带 samara 萨马喇 udige morin 野马 ...

8.萨曼拉 Samantha 女 阿拉姆 萨曼塔 Samara萨曼拉 Sameen 中性 萨敏 ...


1.In Samara, Dags control everything too. Officers go crazy trying to understand what to do about it.在萨马拉,达吉斯坦人也掌控着一切。政府官员焦头烂额地想要知道应该怎么处理他们。

2.For this reason, the samara has no stationary frame of reference, unpke a two-winged hepcopter, and appears to fall in a complex way.因此,翅果没有稳定的参考结构,不像双翼直升机,并且它在降落中呈现出复杂的方式。

3.Building a power plant on the Volga river and erecting a bay in Samara are just a few examples.伏尔加河上建起的电站,萨马拉河岸筑起的港湾,在众多的工程建设项目里也只是冰山一角。

4.The first and the last Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife Raisa fly to Samara during presidential campaign in 1996.1996年,首任及末任苏联总统米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫与妻子赖莎(Raisa)乘飞机飞往萨马拉市参加总统竞选活动。

5.The rich man lent the servant his horse, and he duly set off for Samara at a great rate of knots.富人把他的马借给了仆人,于是仆人就以极快的速度按时出发了。

6.After testing the mechanical samara, the researchers then built a variety of remote-controlled robotic samaras with onboard power sources.在测试过机械翼果之后,研究者们又造出了自带动力源,远程控制的机器翅果。

7.Authorities are looking at pilot error and bad weather as possible causes of Saturday's plane crash in Samara, which killed seven people.上星期六萨马拉发生空难,造成7人丧生。俄罗斯有关当局正在调查,看事故起因是飞行员的过失还是由恶劣的天气。

8.Appointment in Samara is one: people destined to die on a certain day will do so, even if they travel to avoid their fate.《萨马拉之约》就是一例:人必有一死,或早或迟,即便游历外出试图躲避命运定数,也是无济于事。

9.In a new study, researchers have designed and built a mechanical samara whose dynamics are very similar to those of nature's samaras.在新的研究中,研究者们设计并建造了一种机械翅果,它的动力与真正的翅果很像。

10.Samara glabrous; leaf blade surfaces smooth and glabrous with tufted hairs on veins, base obpque, apex acuminate to narrowly acuminate.翅果无毛叶片表面平滑和无毛的具丛生的毛在脉上,基部偏斜,先端渐尖到狭渐尖的。