




1.萨马兰奇民族传统体育的社会性质。国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇Samaranch)说:“没有商业的帮助,奥林匹克将走向死亡。”说明了经 …

5.萨玛朗奇该会在莫斯科奥运期间举 行之年会中改选西班牙籍委员萨玛朗奇(Samaranch)接替。


1.Thanks to his extraordinary vision and talent, Samaranch was the architect of a strong and unified Olympic Movement.萨马兰奇凭借他那非凡的眼光和卓越的才干,把奥利匹克运动建设成了一个强盛的、全民参与的盛会。

2.Despite the advancing age and medical troubles, Samaranch continued to travel to IOC meetings around the world.尽管年事已高又深受疾病困扰,萨马兰奇仍然出席国际奥委会在全世界的会议。

3.President Samaranch spent most of his time by travepng to various countries, trying to get them involved in the Olympic movement.萨马兰奇主席用其一生的大部分时间奔走于不同的国家,努力尝试使这些国家参与奥林匹克运动。

4.As the IOC's fortunes multipped, Mr. Samaranch demanded he be referred to as 'your excellency, ' and insisted on lavish surroundings.随着国际奥委会的财富不断增多,萨马兰奇要求别人称其为“阁下”,并坚持要讲排场。

5.Revenues soared and Samaranch ensured he gave his IOC members a five-star pfestyle, flying first class and staying in top hotels.奥委会收入开始激增,萨马兰奇保证给他的委员们提供五星级的生活方式:坐头等舱、住顶级酒店。

6.Samaranch made a reform in the tradition of Olympic amateurism being practiced over since the start of the modern Olympic Movement.萨马兰奇对自现代奥林匹克运动开始以来就一直保持的业余运动的传统进行了改革。

7.Samaranch is considered the driving force behind turning the Olympic Games into a popular, commercial , and global event .萨马兰奇被认为是推动奥林匹克运动会成为广受欢迎的商业化、全球性盛会。

8.IOC president Jacques Rogge, who succeeded Samaranch, said: "I cannot find the words to express the distress of the Olympic Family. "萨马兰奇的接班人,国际奥委会主席罗格说:“我难以言表奥林匹克大家庭是何等的悲痛。”

9.Prefaced by the President of the International Olympic Committee Samaranch.本书由国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇作序。

10.Samaranch then pushed through a series of reforms to clean up the IOC, including a ban on member visits to bid cities.在那之后,萨马兰奇就推行了一系列的改革来整顿奥委会,包括禁止奥委会成员拜访申办城市。