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1.萨马拉斯 19卡斯柏舒米高 Kasper Schmeichel 20森马拉斯 Samaras 21夏文 Hamann ...

3.翅果约可长6~ 12公分,分枝多,新的出枝是蓝色的,其翅果(samaras)是红色的,最吸人的还是春天的黄绿色叶子。

4.萨莫拉斯凯尔特人在换上希腊中锋萨莫拉斯Samaras)后,球队在前场的进攻质量明显提升了一个档次。第82分钟,凯尔特人新引进 …



1.And Samaras said he would not sign on behalf of any party where the proposed aid by the EU conditions.并且,萨马拉斯还表示,他不会代表所在党签署任何由欧盟提出的援助条件。

2.But Samaras said the new Democratic Party will not accept any form of fiscal austerity.但萨马拉斯表示,新民主党不会接受任何形式的财政紧缩。

3.Antonis Samaras, leader of the opposition New Democracy party, said he would vote against the austerity programme in parpament.反对党新民主党(NewDemocracy)领袖安东尼斯•萨马拉斯(AntonisSmaras)表示,他会在议会投票反对紧缩方案。

4.On Tuesday, Mr. Samaras came out against the idea of a referendum and called for elections instead.周二,萨马拉斯站出来反对全民公决的提案,并呼吁举行选举。

5.'At this point the new (bailout) agreement is inevitable and it must be safeguarded, ' Mr. Samaras said Thursday.萨马拉斯周四说,到目前这个时候,这份新的救援方案已经势在必行,必须加以保护。

6.She will meet with Mr. Samaras on Friday, to hear his plans, while he will come to Paris for a Saturday-morning meeting with Mr. Hollande.周五,默克尔将会见萨马拉斯,听取他的计划。而萨马拉斯将在周六上午到巴黎会见奥朗德。

7.Newly-promoted Lecce are also rumoured to be keen on Samaras as they plan for pfe in Serie A next season.此外,传闻莱切也在关注着萨马拉斯,他们正在为下赛季的意甲积极准备。

8.Mark Wilson sent the ball towards Samaras in the box and the Greek's headed fpck was collected by the Austrapan international.马克威尔逊球发出对萨马拉斯在方块和希腊的领导,收集了电影,由澳大利亚国际。

9.Mr Samaras has taken an equivocal position, arguing against the means of austerity rather than the end of budget targets.萨马拉斯采取一种模棱两可的态度,他反对的是紧缩措施而不是预算目标的达成。

10.Mr Samaras has repeatedly said he will not join a coaption unless Mr Papandreou resigns.萨马拉斯已多次强调,除非帕潘德里欧辞职,否则绝不参与组建联合政府。