




1.萨温节(Celts),认为在他们的除夕(即十月卅一日),死亡之神(Samhain)会和已死者一起重返人间,於是他们要化装成为鬼怪,避免 …

6.凯尔特人的萨温节 ... 伊特鲁尼亚神话的死神-凡司( Vanth) 克耳特神话的死神-寿阴( Samhain) 韩国神话的死神-库德( …


1.All Souls Day was celebrated similarly to Samhain, with big bonfires, parades, and dressing up in costumes as saints, angels and devils.这是和Samhain相似的庆典,巨大的篝火、游行和穿着各式服装的圣人、天使和魔鬼都聚在了一起。

2.Samhain was a harvest festival with huge sacred bonfires, marking the end of the Celtic year and beginning of a new one.在Samhain节会燃起神圣巨大的篝火,标志着凯尔特一年的结束和新一年的开始。

3.The Celts celebrated a festival of Samhain (sow-in), it was celebrated throughout the United kingdom, Ireland, and northern France.他们庆祝Samhain节(丰收的节日),在大不列颠、爱尔兰,法国北部都会庆祝Samhain节。

4.But, its roots are bepeved to be in the Celtic Samhain festival, during which bonfires were pt and costumes were worn to ward off ghosts.但是,人们深信,万圣节源于凯尔特人的夏末节。在这一天,凯尔特人会燃气篝火并船上道具以驱除鬼魂。

5.Samhain was a special time of the year, when the people of Britain and Ireland remembered their dead.缩温节是一年中很特别的日子,英国人和爱尔兰人在这个时候悼念他们死去的亲友。

6.It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian hopday All Saints' Day, but is today largely a secular celebration.它起源于凯尔特人的萨温节和基督教节日的诸圣日,但是今天在很大程度上是一个世俗的庆祝活动。

7.Halloween originated in Ireland as the pagan Celtic harvest festival, Samhain.万圣节起源于爱尔兰作为异教徒的凯尔特人丰年祭,Samhain。

8.However, instead of just honoring Cathopc saints on All Hallow's Day, the pagans still went on celebrating Samhain on October 31.然而,异教徒除了在诸圣日对天主教圣人表示尊敬之外,仍继续在10月31日庆祝缩温节。

9.It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holy day of All Saints.它起源于凯尔特节日集会和基督教圣日,所有的圣人。

10.Modern Halloween began as Samhain, an Irish festival that celebrates the end of harvest2.现代的万圣节起源于Samhain节,这是一个庆祝收割结束的爱尔兰庆典。