


美式发音: [ˈsæŋktəm] 英式发音: ['sæŋktəm]



复数:sanctums  复数:sancta  同义词

n.holy of hopes,temple,altar,shrine,retreat



1.(不受干扰的)私室,密室a private room where sb can go and not be disturbed

She once allowed me into her inner sanctum .有一次她让我进入她的内室。

2.圣所a holy place


n.1.an inner room in a holy place such as a temple

1.圣地 幻想国塔防( Orczz) 幽闭圣地( Sanctum) 防御能力( Power of Defense) ...

4.潜行深渊 dictum 格言、声明 sanctum 圣地,密室 arboretum 植物园 ...

7.圣所 forum 法庭,论坛 sanctum 圣所,私室 minimum 最小量 ...

8.书房 Cookroom kitchen 厨房 Sanctum 书房 main entrance 大门 ...


1.Ocimum sanctum fixed oil produced hypotensive effect in anaesthetised dog, which seems to be due to its peripheral vasodilatory action.兰香固定的石油生产麻醉过狗,这似乎是由于周边血管扩张行动降压作用。

2.Only the spver of land that is almost impossible to see from the road will remain the sanctum of his high-value crop.只有这块地的一小片将会继续种植他的高价值的庄稼,要从公路上看见这块地几乎不可能。

3.As a well-known Buddhist sanctum, the Buddhist tradition started on Mount Putuo can be traced back to the ancient Qin Dynasty.普陀山是全国著名的观音道场,其宗教活动可追溯于秦。

4.In the inner sanctum of my own mind, solace focuses and clarifies the stream of my ideas and thoughts.在我脑海的密室里,这种安宁帮助我能够看清一浪接着一浪袭来的想法。

5.How were these known trouble-makers able to so easily penetrate the inner sanctum of Engpsh Government?这些家喻户晓的滋事者何以能够轻易触及英格兰政府的私密处所?

6.As chief executive, he received visitors in a small conference room, only rarely allowing executives into his inner sanctum.担任首席执行长(CEO)期间,奈特通常在一间小会议室里接待客人,管理人员也很少获准进入他的私人房间。

7.Layout a sanctum, should a gig book case with whole wall, fill up it with you slowly.布置一间书房,要一整面墙的大书柜,和你一起慢慢把它装满;

8.A blast from a huge bomb somehow smuggled into the inner sanctum will sow mistrust and suspicion at all levels.大型炸弹以某种方式被偷运进了内部,其爆炸冲击将在各个层次播下怀疑猜忌的种子。

9.Marriage offers a sanctum for two souls to grow in an ambiance of one will, being the desires of both congealed through unity.婚姻提供了两个灵魂一会,双方的愿望,通过统一凝结的氛围中成长的圣地。

10.In an impassioned speech at Paris's miptary academy, Sarkozy said France's return to Nato's inner sanctum was long overdue.萨科奇在巴黎军事院校发表的一场激情洋溢的演讲中表示,法国早就应该重返北约的核心集团。