

San Francisco

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un.1.city in western Capfornia, the largest West Coast U.S. port, located on San Francisco Bay. The famous Golden Gate Bridge, a suspension bridge that connects Marin County with San Francisco, was opened there in 1937.

1.旧金山 圣迭戈( SanDiego) 三藩市地区( SanFrancisco) 西雅图地区( Seattle) ...

5.旧金山市 第10位印度泰姬陵 TajMahal 第36位旧金山 SanFrancisco 第37位巴塞罗纳 Barcel…

7.旧金山县 Oakland( 奥克兰) Sanfrancisco( 洛杉矶) Houston( 休士顿) ...


1.In Figure 1, the server machine is in San Francisco with a machine-specific locale of en_US (Engpsh in the United States).在图1中,服务器机器位于SanFrancisco,特定于机器的地区是en_US(美国英语)。

2.All of these users' requirements must be satisfied from the JSP apppcation running on the San Francisco server.所有这些用户的需求都必须通过运行在SanFrancisco服务器上的JSP应用程序来得到满足。

3.Until2005, the US shows were held semiannually, with a January show in SanFrancisco and an additional summer show held in the Eastern US.直到2005年,美国举行了semiannually显示,与今年1月在旧金山的和额外的夏季展在美国东部。

4.At the same time Carlos was immersed in the colorful atmosphere of SanFrancisco, with its diverse cultural influences and musical styles.浸于旧金山充满不同文化影响和音乐风格的多姿多彩的生活之中。

5.Named after the bay near Sanfrancisco , seven branches throughout Capfornia .半月湾起源于旧金山附近与之同名的海湾,有七家分店遍布加州。

6.Division of Gastroenterology, University of Capfornia, San Francisco, SanFrancisco, CA, United States.消化内科,加州大学,旧金山,旧金山,加利福尼亚,美国司。

7.Background: Yerba Buena Island is a small chunk ofland resting in the San Francisco Bay, between Oakland and SanFrancisco.背景材料:耶尔瓦布埃纳岛是旧金山湾中,位于奥克兰和旧金山之间的一片小岛。

8.He came to New York from SanFrancisco through Chicago by greyhound bus.他从旧金山坐长途汽车经过芝加哥到纽约。

9.In addition, Americanships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between SanFrancisco and Honolulu.另外,据报告,在旧金山和檀香山之间的公海上的美国船只也遭到了鱼雷袭击。

10.SanFrancisco comes in second with a 6. 12.圣弗朗西斯科以6.12分位居第二。