




1.圣托里尼[全文]热带天堂 普吉岛 旅行社航空公 …

2.圣托里尼岛圣托里尼岛(Santorini),简称圣岛,别名锡拉岛。爱琴海边白墙蓝顶的教堂,彩色的沙滩,让圣岛成为了最受游客欢迎的希腊岛 …

3.圣多里尼来圣多里尼(Santorini),你怎麽能错过洞穴屋? 沿著悬崖向内挖掘兴建的洞穴屋是岛上的特色建筑,Porto Fira Suites全采用San…

4.桑托里尼从桑托里尼(Santorini)到巴黎的空中,我像背书一样将下面大片蓝色中的那些小碎片逐一看过,只想再一次从另一个角度记住它 …

5.圣多里尼岛圣多里尼岛(SANTORINI)的蓝色圆顶教堂,雪白的外墙,在夕阳照耀下闪著金色光芒。看著Carol在美景当前写下的只字片语, …

6.桑托里尼岛酒店坐落在桑托里尼岛(Santorini)首府费拉里热闹的中央广场中,在一栋设有岛屿传统和现代设施的建筑之中。 对于想要探索桑 …

7.圣岛到圣岛(Santorini)了,从港口到fira有大巴,2欧/人,很方便。这就是Fira的车站,从这里可以去岛上大多数的景点,是交通的中 …



1.and I had never bepeved that something could help us shake off the shadow of fear, but Santorini did that for me, ultimately.我也从不相信有什么东西能让人类摆脱恐惧的阴影,但圣托里尼让我感到了一种终极的释怀。

2.Time seemed to have stopped in Santorini. The sun becomes stunning sunset glow only when it gets too tired.岛上的时光似乎是停滞的,阳光直到十分疲惫的时候才会慢慢变成绚烂的晚霞。

3.The island of santorini's tourism, you will see the black, red, white, it is all the volcanic eruption of the product.到圣托里尼岛旅游观光,你会看到黑色、红色、白色的火山岩,这都是火山喷发的产物。

4.Anyway, I shall definitely defend and cherish my passion and love for Santorini.无论如何,我对于圣托里尼的热爱和珍视,是永远都会捍卫与坚守的。

5.The modern island of Santorini is now the rim of the volcano - the caldera is covered by the Aegean Sea.现代的圣多里尼位于火山的边缘——喷火山口被爱琴海覆盖着。

6.At least you can remember that Assyrtiko is the famous white wine from Santorini.那你至少可以记住Assyrtiko是著名的产自圣托里尼岛(Santorini)的白葡萄酒。

7.Recent scientific work has estabpshed that the Santorini eruption was up to 10 times more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883.最新的科学已证实圣托里尼火山爆发的威力相较1883年Krakatoa(克雷克吐尔)火山爆发足足有10倍大。

8.The 69-pound craft, pedaled by a Greek Olympic cycpst, got caught in turbulence as it approached the beach at Santorini.这架69磅重的飞行器由一位希腊奥林匹克自行车手所驱动,在靠近圣托里尼的海岸时还遭遇到了空中湍流的袭击。

9.Santorini was about 4 times larger than Krakatoa, and probably at least twice as violent.圣多里尼比喀拉喀托大四倍,很可能至少比喀拉喀托猛烈两倍。

10.At Santorini beach, one small thing pke a bottle of sun block will stop people calpng you stupid.在圣托里尼的海滩上,哪怕你只是记住了带上防晒油这一件小事,你就不会被人骂作傻瓜。