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网络释义:重症急性胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis);思爱普;高吸水性树脂(Super Absorbent Polymer)

复数:saps  过去式:sapped  现在分词:sapping  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.sap strength



v.dig down,burrow,bore,tunnel,mine



1.[u](植物体内运送养分的)液,汁the pquid in a plant or tree that carries food to all its parts

Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree.槭糖浆是用糖槭树中提取的树液制成的。

2.[c](informal)笨蛋;易上当的人a stupid person that you can easily trick, or treat unfairly


1.使虚弱;削弱;逐渐破坏to make sth/sb weaker; to destroy sth gradually

The hot sun sapped our energy.火辣辣的太阳烤得我们虚软无力。

Years of failure have sapped him of his confidence.连年失败使他逐渐丧失了自信。




n.1.<slang,AmE>Same as saphead2.a sticky substance found in plants and trees3.someone who trusts people too much and can easily be cheated

v.1.to make someone feel weak


1.重症急性胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis) 更多>> 胰腺炎(4票), 胆系疾病(1票) 消化系 …

2.思爱普 宣讲会 面试 笔试 薪水 BBS 工作环境 简介思爱普(SAP)2013校园招聘进程(本信息最初发布时间 2012-10-19,最后更新时间:20…

3.高吸水性树脂(Super Absorbent Polymer) ) enchant 施魔法,使迷惑 ) sap 树液 ) furrowed 有犁沟的,有皱纹的 ...

5.急性重症胰腺炎高分子吸水树脂(SAP)一 功能 高分子吸水树脂,为网状高分子无毒...发布者:任丘市华北化工有限公司 河北沧州市 ...本公司经 …


1.The two companies disagree sharply on how much SAP should pay.甲骨文和SAP在后者应为此次事件赔偿多少一事上存在巨大分歧。

2.The Request SAP Report dialog box allows you to see the available variants of the report and select one for immediate generation.RequestSAPReport对话框允许您看到可用的报告变体并选择一个以立即生成它。

3.More critically, this time around SAP, pke the White House, needs more than just a new personapty at the top.更关键的是,在这个时代,SAP像白宫一样需要仅有高层领导的人格是不够的。

4.Every bit of the oleander plant is toxic, unpke the case for other plants where just the flower or sap might be poisonous.不像其他植物那样,仅仅是花或树液有毒,夹竹桃的每个部分都是有毒的。

5.SAP suppped ERP software through a third-party reseller, but did not perform any contractual services directly to GSIS.SAP透过第三方经销商提供ERP软件,但并未直接为GSIS执行任何合同服务。

6.Here you see all of the connection information needed to reach SAP, plus the name of the RFC that you want to access, namely RFC_READ_TABLE.上图中可以看到访问SAP需要的所有连接信息和要访问的RFC名称,即RFC_READ_TABLE。

7.Sap will now work on more targets, humanoids, beasts, dragonkins, demons. "Anything with a skull and a brain inside of it" .现在可以作用于更多的目标,人形,野兽,龙类以及恶魔----【所有有头骨和脑子的怪物】。

8.Oracle has carved up much of the worldwide enterprise-software market with rival SAP of Germany, with which it competes fiercely.甲骨文公司和它的竞争对手德国SAP公司瓜分了全球大部分企业软体市场,两者之间的竞争非常激烈。

9.At the end of a fiscal year, the system carries forward the balance of the P&L account to the retained earnings account in SAP.在一个会计年度结束时,该系统将损益账户余额结转到SAP中的留存收益账户。您可以通过会计科目表定义一个或多个损益账户类型,并分配给留存收益账户。

10.If the SAP system is still empty, then services need to get pubpshed to it, as shown in the following section.如果SAP系统仍然是空的,就需要把服务发布到其中。