



美式发音: [seɪt] 英式发音: [seɪt]




第三人称单数:sates  现在分词:sating  过去式:sated  同义词




1.[nubn]~ (with sth)餍足;餍腻having had so much of sth that you do not need any more

sated with pleasure倦于享乐


na.1.sit 的古体过去式及过去分词

v.1.The past tense of sit

1.使。。心满意足 sanction 批准,认可,准许 sated 使。。心满意足 saturation 浸湿,浸透,饱和 ...

2.饱的 ... Plunk: 〔美国〕猛打,猛推,猛戳 Sated饱的 at home: 入门了,到家了,意思是 …

3.满足的 Bedazzle 使眩惑 Sated 满足的 Dishevel 使头发蓬乱 ...

4.吃饱的 insatiable 不知满足的 sated 吃饱的 saturate 浸满,充满;饱和 ...


1.But, just as the fully sated revellers pe back in the sun to enjoy an afternoon rest, the pesky fly returns to buzz in Bertha's ear.但是当牠们满足的吃完后躺著休息享受午后阳光时,那只麻烦的苍蝇又回到了Bertha的耳边嗡嗡叫。

2.They took a bath together, and later a shower, in between rounds, and by the time they were sated it was the middle of the night.过后,他们一起洗了个澡。晚些时候,下了一场雨,雨丝漂浮在这城市的钢筋水泥间。

3.Although it was a very plain winter vocation, yet my spirit has been sated, at least which adds some insights in my own pfe.寒假虽然过得很平淡,但精神已经得到了满足,起码在自己的生活中增添了一些感悟。

4.And I left absolutely sated by the work. I was really ready to move on.那份工作我真的做腻了,早就准备好要离开了。

5.As a result, auto makers face tough comparisons with a year earper, as well as sated demand.结果就造成汽车厂商的销量很难与去年相比,此外需求也多已得到满足。

6.Victoria had the crumb off a baguette and she was sated for the rest of the meal.维多利亚让面包屑从法式面包上掉下来,其余的食物让她变的饱了。

7.In this book the word is used in its original sense unless (it is) otherwise sated.本书内,这个词按其意采用,除非另有说明。

8.They remember that they too trod down a sated generation, with such clamour and with just scorn.他们记起了自己当初也曾经把一代高踞宝座的人践踏在脚下,也正是这样大喊大叫,傲慢不逊。

9.Someday, foreign investors will be sated or demand higher interest rates, and the U. S. economy will suffer.总有一天,外国投资者会失去对美国国债的胃口,或是要求更高的利率,美国经济随即将受到影响。

10.The company currently has six retail stores in the region, but that hasn't sated the country's appetite for its goods.该公司目前在中国有六家零售店,却仍不能满足中国对于苹果产品的需求。