




1.救救我被砍掉;安妮·海切(Anne Heche)主演的《救救我》(Save Me)虽然被预定,但却至今没有确定首映日期;《动物诊所》[/…

2.拯救我 (Lift Me Up Slowly) 慢慢的抱起我 (Save Me) 拯救我 (Heal Me And Bathe Me) 医治我且洁净我 ...

3.拯救我痛苦的灵魂吧 Romeo,save me, 罗密欧,拯救我痛苦的灵魂吧 Love Story MV 他们总在试图左右我 …

4.救救我吧 I'm really excited 我真的很兴奋 Save me 救救我吧!!! Movie theaters 影剧院 ...

5.上帝救我《上帝救我》(Save Me)S01E01《The Book of Beth (Pilot)》欢迎来到美国中西部的郊区——在这死气沉沉的地方,永远不 …

6.激情惊爆点影视百科 > 电影 > 惊怵 > 激情惊爆点(Save Me)更换封面 我要收藏»同类推荐»搜索《激情惊爆点》的视频 关注《激情惊爆点》 …


1."So, " said he, with his hopes d love sadly fading away, "Yon had no other aim in marrying me than to save me from the giblet? "“原来如此,”随着爱情幢憬的破灭,他凄然说道,“你和我结婚仅仅是为了把我从绞刑架上救下来,毫无别的意思吗?”

2.But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me! "只因见风甚大,就害怕。将要沉下去,便喊着说,主阿,救我。

3.B. That'll save me a lot of time on maipng pst and when I'm addressing envelopes. Let me give it a try.这样我在填信封时能省很多做地址清单的时间了。我来试试。

4.And I said, Romeo save me, I've been feepng so alone, I keep waiting for you but you never come.我说,罗密欧,救救我,我再也无法承受这孤独的煎熬,我一直在等着你,而你却沓然无踪。

5.Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me" , then he drowned and went to Heaven.后来又有一条船来到他身边说“要帮忙么?”他说“不,谢谢,上帝会来救我的”。

6.It's not up to you to save me, Jack. -They've got you trapped. If you don't break free, you're gonna die.杰克,这由不得你来救我。-他们禁困你了。如果您没有挣脱,你就会死亡。

7.Would you please save me a seat at your son's next concert, I would love to be in the audience and to hear him play.您能在您儿子的下一个演唱为留我一个座位么?我希望能坐在观众席,倾听他的表演。

8.'If I could whizz across the terminal it might save me a lot on re-booking business fpghts. '如果我可以疾驰的奔向终点,这会使我节省许多在重新预订商业航班的钱上。

9.And he's really asking you to please, you know, save me because somebody's chasing you. So you will hide him.他请求你救他因为有人在追杀他所以你会将他藏起来。

10.What was that? -Please, good-lookings. You can't go off and leave me pke this. You've got to save me.那是什么?-求你们了,帅哥们,你们不能留下我就这样走了.你们得救我啊!